A multi-modal model to understand activity recognition
Group Members : Arvind Deshraj, G.Arshad, JUNAID N.Z, Rohan Sukumaran, Siddharth Kumar, Hareesh Devarkonda
Medium Blog Link : https://medium.com/@arshad.g16/human-activity-recognition-har-using-multi-modal-attention-8c81ceff6745
A multi-modal multi-level attention model is used for achieving the task. Multi-modal refers to usage of more than one modality, eg: Image + Audio or Audio + Text etc.
We use the Charades Dataset, that contains data from two modalities - Action Video and Text( the script accompanying the video)
Dataset Used: Charades Dataset (http://ai2-website.s3.amazonaws.com/data/Charades_v1_rgb.tarR)
* pandas
* glob
* os
* matplotlib
* numpy
* math
* tensorflow
* nltk
i) Download the charades dataset into the same directory as the code.
ii) Create a new conda enviornment (Refer https://uoa-eresearch.github.io/eresearch-cookbook/recipe/2014/11/20/conda/)
iii) Install all the module dependencies to this newly created enviornment
iv) Install jupyter notebook locally (Refer https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html)
iv) Run jupyter notebook locally (Refer https://jupyter-notebook-beginner-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/execute.html)
v) Run the file 'image_embedding.ipynb' to generate the file 'img_ebd.npy'. This would process and extract the respective frames from the dataset and store it into the file 'img_ebd.npy'.
vi) Now run the file 'CGM.ipynb' to train/test the model.
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