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Rostislav's Playgroung

.github - pull request template for the repository -

ConfigMapUsedInWildFly - Kubernetes ConfigMap values with Java EE & WildFly

CsvAndJsonPlayfully - Experiments with CSV and JSON Serialization / Deserialization

Jolokia - JMX with JSON over HTTP

sample-ring - A Clojure experiment with Leiningen and Ring library

Prometheus - Monitoring experiments

simple-jaxrs - Simple JAX-RS container side filter

Nashorn - Nashorn experiment

ConsoleInBrowsers - Experimens with Console in browsers

redux-demo - Angular 4 + Redux experiment

pcp-and-vector - Performance Co-Pilot and Vector performance monitoring framework

chrome-headless - Automated testing with Headless Chrome

dredd - Dredd: HTTP API Testing Framework

git-tip - Commonly used git tips and tricks

spock-example - Spock Framework example

ansible - Ansible and Vagrant

ee8-sample-sse - JAX-RS 2.1 Server Sent Events example

IPv6 - IPv6 address checks

memory-investigation - Memory investigation for management operations in WildFly

https-certificate-java - HTTPS / Java / trust the certificate

gh-md-toc - Table Of Contents (TOC) tool for GitHub

local-remote-download - How to download local or remote bits the same way

documentation-check - Documentation - checks for links / images / anchors

jaxrs-2.0-vs-2.1 - JAX-RS 2.0 versus 2.1 - diff of specification

jmh-jenkins - JMH Benchmark results on Jenkins

load-testing-notes - Notes for load testing / stress testing / performance testing

asciidoctor-maven-example - Asciidoctor Maven Example

openjdk-compilation - OpenJDK 8 compilation

jenkins-job-builder - Jenkins Job Builder experiment

jax-rs-timeouts - JAX-RS 2.1 - Connect and Read Timeouts

jax-rs-2.0-cxf-metrics - Dropwizard Metrics with Apache CXF, Spring Boot, Prometheus and Grafana

mattermost Mattermost - Open source, private cloud Slack-alternative

jenkins-job-wrecker - Jenkins Job Wrecker - Translate Jenkins XML jobs to Jenkins Job Builder YAML

jenkins-api - Jenkins HTTP API experiment

asciidoc-metadata - AsciiDoc and meta-data

simple-http-and-https-server - Simple HTTP and HTTPS Server

sonarwhal - Sonarwhal - A linting tool for the web

jax-rs-system-properties - Expose System Properties via JAX-RS endpoint - - test results management tool

SonarQubeAndTypeScript - SonarQube and TypeScript analysis

git-tricks - Git tricks

wildfly-quistarts - WildFly Application Server (WildFly) Quickstarts

japicmp-and-wildfly - japicmp and WildFly

revapi-and-wildfly - Revapi and WildFly

doxygen - Doxygen for WildFly + WildFly Core

microprofile-config-open-liberty - MicroProfile Config on Open Liberty

microprofile-config-simple-servlet - MicroProfile Config - Simple Servlet Scenario

microprofile-config-custom-converter-and-source - MicroProfile Config - Custom Converter And Source

microprofile-health-open-liberty - MicroProfile Health - one application

microprofile-health-multimodule - MicroProfile Health - multi-module application, health checks in lib module and app module

git-analysis-tools - Git analysis tools

was-liberty-kernel - WAS Liberty Kernel experiments

galleon-provisioning - Galleon Provisioning For WildFly

[jenkins-jobs-backup-restore] (jenkins-jobs-backup-restore) - Jenkins jobs backup / restore / new jobs

graalvm-substratevm-HelloWorld - HelloWorld with SubstrateVM / GraalVM - based commit

microprofile-metrics-tck-notes - Microprofile Metrics TCK notes

pmap-equivalent-on-macOS - The equivalent of pmap on macOS

graal-graalvm-notes - Graal and GraalVM notes

graal-graalvm-performance - Graal and GraalVM performance experiments

maven-dependencies-comparison - Maven dependencies comparison

maven-dependency-updates - Analysis of Maven versions:display-dependency-updates output

maven-modules-info - Lists info about Maven project modules

docker-compose-quarkus-infinispan - Docker-compose file for Quarkus Infinispan Quickstart

ubi8-experiment - UBI 8 experiment

profiling-in-macOS - Profiling applications in macOS

Jenkinsfile - Jenkinsfile examples declarative and scripted

github-markdown-render - Render your .md file to .html using curl and GitHub

github-api-cli - GitHub CLI and APIs

nativefier - Nativefier

docker-desktop-macos - Docker Desktop for macOS

checks-for-deprecated-bits - Checks for deprecated bits

quarkus-qs-on-crc - Quarkus Quickstart on CRC

quarkus-extensions-combinations - Combinations of Quarkus extensions

macos-and-additional-dns - macOS and additional DNS definition for certain namespace

github-monitoring - Monitoring of GitHub projects using Prometheus and Grafana

quarkus-extension-details - Quarkus extension details via curl / jq magic

bom-get-defined-deps - List defined dependencies in BOM

deploy-folder-to-artifactory - Deploy folder to Artifactory

kodi - Run addon on Kodi startup

macOS-quarantined-apps - How to run macOS quarantined apps / downloaded from internet

macOS-BLE-scan - How to find Bluetooth Low-Energy devices using macOS

home-assistant - Home Assistant Notes

spring-di-quarkus - Spring DI and Quarkus - Converting existing Spring DI code to use Quarkus

quarkus-and-scylladb - ScyllaDB and Quarkus integration

github-actions-exporter - Building custom github-actions-exporter to disable runners metrics

rhel8-docker-compose-limits - Configure limits on RHEL8 using docker-compose

opencv-with-quarkus - OpenCV with Quarkus - get image from your webcam via JAX-RS endpoint

macOS-terminal-setup - macOS - terminal setup

unify-dream-machine - UniFi Dream Machine (UDM) hacks

quarkus-gizmo-generate-no-args-constructor - Quarkus / Gizmo - generate no-args constructor

wrk2 - wrk2 on macOS

tilde-key-mapping - Tilde key mapping on Logitech MX Keys

OpenShift-Docker-research - Research to expose Docker capabilities via OpenShift

macos-virtual-camera-removal - macOS virtual camera removal

qute-multimodule - Quarkus Qute multi module project

java-info-files-props - Get info from Java code about files in direcory, properties, etc.

disk-usage - Disk usage tools

podman-on-macos - Podman on macOS

jdk-flight-recorder - JDK Flight Recorder

ascii-table - ASCII Tables for Java

github-user-metrics - Metrics for GitHub users

profiling-java - Profiling Java applications

sboms - SBOM Analysis

java-jit-c1-c2-gc - Java HotSpot, JIT compilers, Garbage Collection


Playground, toy box, experiments






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Contributors 3
