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Initial steps to migrate from RTC to Git

Patrick Reinhart edited this page Jul 30, 2017 · 1 revision

This Wiki should give you the basic hints how to proceed, when trying to migrate an existing RTC repositor to Git. The following preconditions are required:

  1. A running docker environment

  2. The version of your RTC Server in order to pick the correct docker image

Installing Docker environment

If you don’t have a docker environment already, you have to install that first. Please consider the Docker website for more informations about installing it on your environment.

Getting and starting the RTC2GIT docker image

When you got a running docker environment and your current RTC version you can start the image the first time using the following command replacing <version>:

docker run -it --name rtc2git rtcto/rtc2git:<version>

When you exit the migration image, you can restart it using the following command:

docker start -i rtc2git

For more extended usage of the docker image please consult the rtc2git-docker README

The actual migration

The actual migration steps are described in the rtc2gitcli README.