Apache Spark API - Flight Airports’ Average Departure Delays Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm)
Apache Spark API - Flight Airports’ Average Departure Delays Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm) - Banner #1
A 1st year's lab work (project) of the MSc. degree of Computer Science and Engineering made in FCT NOVA (Faculty of Sciences and Technology of New University of Lisbon), in the subject of High Performance Computing. This project was built using Apache Spark API, Java and Gradle. The scenario of the project was a Cluster-based implementation of the Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's algorithm), with the support of Apache Spark's API, using its offered cluster-based parallel optimisations and operations.
Click here to see the Project's Description!
Apache Spark API - Flight Airports’ Average Departure Delays Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm) - Project's Description #1
Apache Spark API - Flight Airports’ Average Departure Delays Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm) - Screenshot #1
Apache Spark API - Flight Airports’ Average Departure Delays Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim’s Algorithm) - Screenshot #2
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To install this application, you will only need to download or clone this repository and run the application locally:
You can do it downloading the .zip file in download section of this repository.
Or instead, by cloning this repository by a Git Client based GUI, using HTTPS or SSH, by one of the following link:
- SSH:
[email protected]:rubenandrebarreiro/apache-spark-api-flight-airports-average-departure-delays-minimum-spanning-tree.git
Or even, by running one of the following commands in a Git Bash Console:
git clone https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/apache-spark-api-flight-airports-average-departure-delays-minimum-spanning-tree.git
- SSH:
git clone [email protected]:rubenandrebarreiro/apache-spark-api-flight-airports-average-departure-delays-minimum-spanning-tree.git
- There's some useful parameters which you can try in as JVM (Java Virtual Machine) parameters, for a better Memory and Java Heap Space management, in the case of be running the application locally, instead of running the application in a cluster system:
- https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/
- https://gitlab.com/rubenandrebarreiro/
- https://bitbucket.org/rubenandrebarreiro/
- https://dev.azure.com/rubenandrebarreiro/
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