Welcome to PyRetroPrint, your one-stop shop for Reagan-era hardcopy!
Retro-printing emulation in python!
This utility is designed be used in a printing pipeline from obsolete software. Anything that is equipped to print to an Epson FX-80 IBM Proprinter, or HP Laserjet I or II can now use your modern CUPS-supported printer, or simply output PDF documents.
For applications that support Atari 825, FX-80 and Compatibles, you can:
- Render PRN files or streams to PDF
- Print formatted text to the terminal
- Send PDF output to networked printers
- Be used as a pipe for AtariSIO's
- Print directly from Atari 800XL to e.g. CUPS-compatible printers
PyRetroPrint can be installed using pip:
pip install pyretroprint
For development versions (recommended):
python3 -mvenv prptest
cd prptest
. bin/activate
pip install cairo
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ pyretroprint
Once the software is installed, simply pipe output of your prints to the main script:
|pyretroprint -p pdf -o /tmp/myretroprint.pdf
or -i
, specifies the source PRN file (defaults to stdin
or -s
, sets A4 or Letter sizes, defaults to A4.
or -P
will tell PyRetroPrint which printer type to emulate.
or -p
determines which output type to use: pdf
or terminal
which prints formatted text to the terminal (default).
or -o
, specifies the destination file (defaults to
for PDF, or stdout
for terminal).
We think you should be able boot your Atari 800 XL, start AtariWriter+ and type in your document, hit print, and walk over to your networked laser printer and pick up your beautiful, monospaced hard-copy.
The same goes for your old term paper, your 80s diary, or anything else you might have on a computer or piece of software specced out before 1990.