- Download and install Anaconda Python 3.8 from https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual
- Download and install Java from www.java.com (it is suggested to download the last version available on the website: Java version older than April 2019 may give some issues, due to modification in the Oracle Java license).
- FOR MacOS ONLY: Install XQuartz. Download the dmg from the following website: www.xquartz.org
IMPORTANT: Restart your computer after installing XQuartz
- Move into the folder DEBUSSY_v2.2 to install the programs Suite, and type on the Terminal: ./install_debussy_v2.2
At some point you will be asked for root credentials, to move some library provided by us, in the /usr/local/* and /opt/local/* folders.
During this step the anaconda3 and DEBUSSY_v2.2 paths will be added at the User environmental variable.
A missing python library (wxpython 4.0.7) will be installed.
The installation can take some minutes.
At the end of the procedure, you will have a message “DONE!!’ and “BYE BYE” on your terminal window. - Inside the DEBUSSY_v2.2 folder you can find a RUN_TEST_UNIX folder, containing some files to test the Debussy workflow (launch the script drun.sh).
- Check the GUI installation, by double clicking on the debussy-suite_gui launcher in DEBUSSY_v2.2 folder. If you can see on your screen the GUI starting, the installation procedure ended successfully.
- copy cygwin64 folder under C:\
Any other location is not handled - Double click on the install_v2.2.bat file (eventually, if possible, click on the option “Run as administrator” with the right mouse button):
this batch file will update the System variable Path, by adding the C:\cygwin64\bin path and it will install the wxpython (4.0.7) module that is missing in the Anaconda package.
- If the automatic setting of the environmental variables fails, you can update the User/System variable Path by yourself (by adding C:\cygwin64\bin, as explained here: https://www.opentechguides.com/how-to/article/windows-10/113/windows-10-set-path.html).
- If the automatic wxpython (4.0.7) installation fails, you can type from Anaconda prompt: pip3 install wxpython==4.0.7
- Open the C:\cygwin64\RUN_TEST_WIN and double click on drun.bat. The run-time output of the program should appear on the Terminal ending with “Debussy simulation done”.
- Double click on the debussy-suite_GUI.bat shortcut (under C:\cygwin64\DEBUSSY_v2.2) for launching the GUI of the Suite (you can also create a desktop shortcut and associate the debussy-icon.ico available in the folder). If you see on your screen the GUI starting, the installation procedure ended successfully.