A custom markdown-it renderer that outputs virtual DOM.
- Better integration with modern JavaScript frameworks like Vue and React.
- Better performance for real-time preview of large Markdown document. Thanks to the diff algorithm of virtual DOM, the real DOM modification can be minimized.
markdown-it itself has great performance.
markdown-it-v is a markdown-it plugin and can be integrated seamlessly.
markdown-it-v supports four schemes of output:
- Vue virtual DOM
- React virtual DOM
- Browser’s real DOM
- HTML string
$ npm install markdown-it markdown-it-v@npm:@ruihe774/markdown-it-v@3 --save
markdown-it-v is a plugin of markdown-it:
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import MarkdownItVPlugin from 'markdown-it-v'
const md = MarkdownIt().use(MarkdownItVPlugin)
If you're using TypeScript, you can convert the enhanced markdown-it instance to the modified interface:
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import MarkdownItVPlugin from 'markdown-it-v'
import type { MarkdownItV } from 'markdown-it-v'
const md = MarkdownIt().use(MarkdownItVPlugin) as unknown as MarkdownItV
After setup, the render()
method will return a StreamDom
object — a kind of virtual DOM implemented by markdown-it-v itself:
let sdom = md.render('The *quick* brown fox _jumps_ over the **lazy** dog.')
Unfortunately you cannot use StreamDom
in other places and it doesn’t implement a diff algorithm. You must convert it to final output:
let vueVDom = sdom.toVue(Vue.h)
let reactVDom = sdom.toReact(React.createElement)
let realDom = sdom.toNative(document.createElement.bind(document)) // `.bind()` is necessary
let htmlStr = sdom.toHTML()
Vue component (e.g. without JSX):
// in a Vue component
props: ['source'],
computed: {
sDom() {
return md.render(this.source)
render() {
const { h } = Vue
return h('div', null, this.sDom.toVue(h))
React component (e.g. with JSX):
function Markdown({ source }) {
// in a React component
const h = React.createElement
const sdom = useMemo(() => md.render(source), [source])
return <div>{sdom.toReact(h)}</div>
const container = document.createElement('div')
- Fix highlight fence
- Fix React refs
- Return
(string | HTMLElement)[]
; do not require wholedocument
- Return
- Major refactor
- Migrate to TypeScript
- Upgrade all packages
- Drop css-tree
- Add ES6 module output
- Adds highlightNoWrappingEls (#1) by @laosb
- No change
- Use
in lodash
- Use
- Initial release