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ISPConfig Server on Debian 10 Buster using Apache, Postfix, Dovecot, bind9 ...

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ISPConfig Server With Ansible

This is an evolution from

I was kind of disappointed from ISPConfig and wanted to move to something other, but came back... 'cause ISPConfig is still the best for me.

These are the scripts that I used (and use) to configure my running web and mail server. Take them as a blueprint for your needs. Do not blindly clone them and start. Having a web and mail server in the internet needs that you understand what you are doing!!

Great tutorials where the scripts here are based on

Setup your ansible controller machine

You might install ansible on your desktop computer.

I prefer using the ansible docker image cytopia/ansible:latest-tools and instead of calling ansible-playbook ... I use my script here ./docker-ansible-playbook ...

Things can be sooooo easy :-)

Setup server OS

This is based on Debian Buster (10) minimal installation. There are tutorials on how to install that.

Setup ansible on the server

  • Install ansible (minimum version 2.9).
    • See for simple script that installs ansible on debian

Enable server user to do sudo and use ssh public/private key

  • Have a non-root user on the host, who is allowed to call sudo (On Ubuntu adduser username, give password and data and do a usermod -aG sudo username)
  • Copy your public ssh key to file .ssh/authorized_keys to use Public/Private Key SSH Connection
  • Do the ssh connection to the server (to check if it works and to get the fingerprint of the server)

Initial Setup variables

  • Copy file inventory_example.yml to myinventory.yml
  • Change values in myinventory.yml to your needs, especially ansible_host, ansible_user, ansible_ssh_pass, and ansible_become_password
  • Set ansible_port to 22, which is the default ssh port. Or directly to the port you configured your server

Check the ansible connection using

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml pingtest.yml

It should return a "OK"

  • Change vars in file myinventory.yml to your needs. Especially you are encouraged to change the ssh port to something other than 22, take 22401 for example.

Bootstrap ansible host

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 020-bootstrap.yml This checks the ssh port and changes it if needed and ensures that en_US is the default locale.

Check the ansible connection

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml pingtest.yml This is the same test above, but it's now using the other ssh port.

Set the stage

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 030-set-the-stage.yml This sets the hostname, enhances the sources for apt, installs required ansible tools, updates the system, does a restart, changed dash to bash and disabled sendmail

Install the applications

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 040-applications.yml This will install ntp, ufw, automatic security updates, fail2ban, mariadb, dovecot, postfix, clamav, rspamd, apache, php-fpm, multiple php versions, lets-encrypt, mailman, pureftp, bind9, webalizer, jailkit, phpmyadmin, roundcube

Install ISPConfig

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 050-ispconfig.yml

Access to ISPConfig

  • You should now be able to access your ISPConfig panel under https://(subdomain).(domain):(adminpanel.port) as given in your inventory file. (For my convenience in the further documentation I reference this url to
  • Ensure you have configured a website "" and a subsite "" using SSL and Let's Encrypt
  • Reload ISPConfig Web Site. You should now see, that it uses a newly generated Let's Encrypt ceretificate

Configure the installed php versions in ispconfig

Activate rspam in ispconfig

Activate firewall (ufw) in the ISPConfig Web-UI

  • Go to (use the FQDN from your configuration!!) and login in as admin (see above)
  • Go to System->Firewall
  • Click on Add Firewall record
  • Choose your server
  • Edit the TCP Ports. WARNING Be sure to add your specified SSH Port and your ISPConfig Port. You might want to delete some of the ports not used.
  • Be also sure that you add the PassivePortRange for pureftp (see pureftp-quota-installed/tasks/main). The default is "42210:42310"
  • Be sure that the state is Active
  • Click on Save
  • After a few seconds the firewall should be active

Configure your servers and emails

  • You should now configure your servers and email adresses using the ISPConfig Web-UI
  • The mailadresses used in the myinventory.yml file should be present


  • Generate a DKIM keypair for every mail domain.
  • Copy the public key to the DNS server (if DNS is outside ISPConfig). The generated public key contain two quotes in the key. Those have to be removed.
  • Check the DKIM entry using the DKIM test service at
  • Create a DMARC record using
  • Add the DMARC record to your DNS
  • Again you can check th DMARC using the test service at
  • (but let the servers a little time to syncronize over the world...)

Secure the server

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 060-rest.yml This will secure your ssh service (no root login, only allow login using private/public key), enable rootkit-hunter, logwatch and forward all mails to local root to your webmaster mail account.

Use docker apps

As I installed nextcloud (outside the ansible world using ISPConfig and SSH), I also wanted to install OnlyOffice. I liked to run this inside docker, so we need to install this...

  • ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 070-docker-apps.yml


ISPConfig Server on Debian 10 Buster using Apache, Postfix, Dovecot, bind9 ...






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