This is an evolution from
I was kind of disappointed from ISPConfig and wanted to move to something other, but came back... 'cause ISPConfig is still the best for me.
These are the scripts that I used (and use) to configure my running web and mail server. Take them as a blueprint for your needs. Do not blindly clone them and start. Having a web and mail server in the internet needs that you understand what you are doing!!
- The book "Rootserver unter Debian/GNU Linux Jessie" from Daniel Gestl
You might install ansible on your desktop computer.
I prefer using the ansible docker image cytopia/ansible:latest-tools
and instead of calling ansible-playbook ...
I use my script here ./docker-ansible-playbook ...
Things can be sooooo easy :-)
This is based on Debian Buster (10) minimal installation. There are tutorials on how to install that.
- Install ansible (minimum version 2.9).
- See
for simple script that installs ansible on debian
- See
- Have a non-root user on the host, who is allowed to call
(On Ubuntuadduser username
, give password and data and do ausermod -aG sudo username
) - Copy your public ssh key to file
to use Public/Private Key SSH Connection - Do the ssh connection to the server (to check if it works and to get the fingerprint of the server)
- Copy file
- Change values in
to your needs, especiallyansible_host
, andansible_become_password
- Set
to 22, which is the default ssh port. Or directly to the port you configured your server
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml pingtest.yml
It should return a "OK"
- Change vars in file
to your needs. Especially you are encouraged to change the ssh port to something other than 22, take 22401 for example.
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 020-bootstrap.yml
This checks the ssh port and changes it if needed and ensures that en_US is the default locale.
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml pingtest.yml
This is the same test above, but it's now using the other ssh port.
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 030-set-the-stage.yml
This sets the hostname, enhances the sources for apt, installs required ansible tools, updates the system, does a restart, changed dash to bash and disabled sendmail
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 040-applications.yml
This will install ntp, ufw, automatic security updates, fail2ban, mariadb, dovecot, postfix, clamav, rspamd, apache, php-fpm, multiple php versions, lets-encrypt, mailman, pureftp, bind9, webalizer, jailkit, phpmyadmin, roundcube
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 050-ispconfig.yml
- You should now be able to access your ISPConfig panel under https://(subdomain).(domain):(adminpanel.port) as given in your inventory file. (For my convenience in the further documentation I reference this url to
- Ensure you have configured a website "" and a subsite "" using SSL and Let's Encrypt
- Reload ISPConfig Web Site. You should now see, that it uses a newly generated Let's Encrypt ceretificate
- Do the manual steps at the start of You only need to follow chapter 2. And we only installed PHP 7.2, 7.3 and 7.3!
- You could check the config by creating a site, set PHP to 'Fast-CGI' and a PHP version. Create an info.php file in the web folder of the site and check it using your browser.
- Be sure to remove the info.php file afterwards.
- The manual steps are documented here: But it seems that you only have to set another passwort for rspamd (because we never installed amavisd).
- Go to
(use the FQDN from your configuration!!) and login in as admin (see above) - Go to
- Click on
Add Firewall record
- Choose your server
- Edit the TCP Ports. WARNING Be sure to add your specified SSH Port and your ISPConfig Port. You might want to delete some of the ports not used.
- Be also sure that you add the PassivePortRange for pureftp (see pureftp-quota-installed/tasks/main). The default is "42210:42310"
- Be sure that the state is
- Click on
- After a few seconds the firewall should be active
- You should now configure your servers and email adresses using the ISPConfig Web-UI
- The mailadresses used in the
file should be present
- Generate a DKIM keypair for every mail domain.
- Copy the public key to the DNS server (if DNS is outside ISPConfig). The generated public key contain two quotes in the key. Those have to be removed.
- Check the DKIM entry using the DKIM test service at
- Create a DMARC record using
- Add the DMARC record to your DNS
- Again you can check th DMARC using the test service at
- (but let the servers a little time to syncronize over the world...)
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 060-rest.yml
This will secure your ssh service (no root login, only allow login using private/public key), enable rootkit-hunter, logwatch and forward all mails to local root to your webmaster mail account.
As I installed nextcloud (outside the ansible world using ISPConfig and SSH), I also wanted to install OnlyOffice. I liked to run this inside docker, so we need to install this...
ansible-playbook -i myinventory.yml 070-docker-apps.yml