UI platform for Skyrim with CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) integration and more. You can create interface based on html5, css, javascript. This project is a part of NirnLab project.
- Chromium browser is rendered in Skyrim's native menu (can take screenshots, using native cursor)
- Creating multiple browsers
- Changing keyboard layout out of the box (SHIFT-CTRL or SHIFT-ALT) including console
- Binding js to cpp function callbacks
- Auto closing CEF processes in case of the game crash
You can find all public APIs in this folder. Copy and include the folder in your project (included in release). Test examples
First of all we need to check the API version. If major versions are defferent i don't recommend continuing (may crash).
Send request version message when all plugin loaded (kPostPostLoad)
SKSE::GetMessagingInterface()->Dispatch(NL::UI::APIMessageType::RequestVersion, nullptr, 0, LibVersion::PROJECT_NAME);
Response message will contain API and Lib versions
SKSE::GetMessagingInterface()->RegisterListener(LibVersion::PROJECT_NAME, [](SKSE::MessagingInterface::Message* a_msg) {
switch (a_msg->type)
case NL::UI::APIMessageType::ResponseVersion:
// API and Lib versions
const auto versionInfo = reinterpret_cast<NL::UI::ResponseVersionMessage*>(a_msg->data);
Check the API version and if it's ok, request API
SKSE::GetMessagingInterface()->Dispatch(NL::UI::APIMessageType::RequestAPI, nullptr, 0, NL::UI::LibVersion::PROJECT_NAME);
When a first plugin requests API, library and CEF will initialize Response message will contain API struct. You can save the API pointer and use it in the future.
SKSE::GetMessagingInterface()->RegisterListener(LibVersion::PROJECT_NAME, [](SKSE::MessagingInterface::Message* a_msg) {
switch (a_msg->type)
case NL::UI::APIMessageType::ResponseAPI:
auto api = reinterpret_cast<NL::UI::ResponseAPIMessage*>(a_msg->data)->API;
NL::CEF::IBrowser* g_browser = nullptr;
NL::UI::IUIPlatformAPI::BrowserRefHandle g_browserHandle = NL::UI::IUIPlatformAPI::InvalidBrowserRefHandle;
void CreateBrowser(NL::UI::IUIPlatformAPI* a_api)
g_browserHandle = a_api->AddOrGetBrowser("MyPluginCEF", nullptr, 0, "https://www.youtube.com", g_browser);
if (g_browserHandle == NL::UI::IUIPlatformAPI::InvalidBrowserRefHandle)
spdlog::error("browser handle is invalid");
// Keep "g_browserHandle" util you need a browser
// When the browser is no longer needed, release it using a_api->ReleaseBrowserHandle();
// If this was the last browser handle, the browser will be deleted
// Check NL::CEF::IBrowser interface for more features
m_browser->ToggleBrowserFocusByKeys(RE::BSKeyboardDevice::Keys::kF6, 0);
g_browser->ToggleBrowserVisibleByKeys(RE::BSKeyboardDevice::Keys::kF7, 0);
g_browser->ExecuteJavaScript("window.myString = 'Hello CEF'");
void ReleaseBrowser(NL::UI::IUIPlatformAPI::BrowserRefHandle a_handle)
g_browser = nullptr;
g_browserHandle = NL::UI::IUIPlatformAPI::InvalidBrowserRefHandle;
- CMake 3.23+
- Vcpkg
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
- C++ desktop dev
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)
- Address library (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444)
- SKSE (https://skse.silverlock.org/)
NirnLab is a competitive MMO-like mod for Skyrim which will be announced after the main part is completed.
If you want to follow the progress and news, subscribe to .
Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)