New Features
Add wishes courtesy of @Altizar
Add toggle for Beast Mode under adventure
Add Cube Priority settings to control boosts going to infinity cube
Add separate log file for Money Pit and Daily Spin that doesn't clear on each start
Added mega buff to combat rotation, along with updated combat logic
Cast heal in between enemies if health drops below 75%
Boost progress now always prints and also prints boost progress per minute
Yggdrasil fruits are automatically harvested before script-controlled rebirth
Fix setting gold zones to Tutorial Zone not working.
Reallocate all energy/magic/r3 on each loop
Don't try allocation above the in-game cap of 9e18
Wait for buffs to be ready when doing manual sniping with precast buffs
Fix abandon quest calculation
Butter quests before the quest is completed properly
Completely rewritten change gear logic to work with dual wielding better
Fixes for inputs on UI
Fix boost progress logic for large numbers (overflow)
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