A categorized community-driven collection of awesome RubyMotion example apps, libraries, tools, frameworks, software and resources.
Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines and quality standard first.
RubyMotion is a Commercial product created by HipByte.
Thanks to Clay Allsopp who created the Motion Toolbox list. Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you!
- MotionTemplate - A clean RubyMotion project for quickly templating a styled application.
- promotion-template - Utlize the bells and whistles of ProMotion to hit the ground running.
- rubymotion_generators - Provides boilerplate code templates for RubyMotion
- BubbleWrap - A collection of (tested) helpers and wrappers used to wrap CocoaTouch code and provide more Ruby like APIs.
- Sugarcube - These extensions hope to make development in RubyMotion more enjoyable by tacking 'UI' methods onto the base classes (String, Fixnum, Numeric). With sugarcube, you can create a color from an integer or symbol, or create a UIFont or UIImage from a string.
- MotionPrime - MotionPrime is yet another framework written on RubyMotion for creating really fast iOS applications.
- RubyMotionQuery - RMQ - UI Library for RubyMotion. Fast, non-polluting, & chaining; it’s like jQuery for RubyMotion + stylesheets, animations, events, and more.
- Elevate - Stop scattering your domain logic across your view controller. Consolidate it to a single conceptual unit with Elevate.
- ProMotion - A full featured RubyMotion framework that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby, designed to get up and running fast.
- RedPotion - RedPotion combines RMQ, ProMotion, CDQ, AFMotion, and more for the perfect mix to develop in RubyMotion fast.
- BluePotion - BluePotion is the Android version of RedPotion. (ALPHA)
- motion-support - A port of ActiveSupport to RubyMotion
- motion-speech - Easy text-to-speech wrapper for AVSpeechSynthesizer in iOS 7.
- motion-hybrid - RubyMotion framework for easily making hybrid webview-centric iOS apps
- motion-pool - A pool for RubyMotion.
- weak_attr_accessor - Adds weak_attr_accessor that wraps objects with WeakRef, for RubyMotion
- motion-bitmask - A simple implementation of generic bitmasks for RubyMotion.
- MotionModel - Simple Model, Validation, and Input Mixins for RubyMotion.
- NanoStoreInMotion - Wrapper for NanoStore, a lightweight schema-less key-value document database based on sqlite.
- MotionDataWrapper - Intuitive querying and persistence of CoreData models, using Xcode to define entities, validations, relationships and migrations.
- Core Data Query - CDQ - Easy-to-set-up library for using Core Data without Xcode
- motion-bindable - Create two-way bindings between your models and view objects (or any other object.)
- Turnkey - Utility for saving custom objects to NSUserDefaults using NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver
- yapper - ORM for YapDatabase which is schemaless, very fast (thanks to YapDatabase's architecture), has chainable criteria, one-many relationships, on-the-fly reindexing and is thread-safe.
- couchmotion - API for using Couchbase(CouchDB) a schemaless database with Rubymotion for Android and iOS
- IB - RubyMotion Interface Builder support, including outlets and actions.
- Formotion - Painless, productive views on iOS.
- Teacup - A community-driven DSL for creating user interfaces on the iPhone.
- Geomotion - Better iOS Geometry with RubyMotion.
- Walt - Frictionless, hash-based iOS animations.
- AccordionView - Create and add Accordions to your UIViews.
- motion-layout - A nice way to use Auto Layout in your RubyMotion app.
- motion-stylez - RubyMotion stylesheet library based off RMQ
- better_toolbar - A better way to work with toolbars
- motion-form - RubyMotion forms made easy
- MIMInputToolbar - Input accessory view for your UITextFields and UITextViews.
- motion-wizard - A gem to create wizard like view controllers in iOS
- MotionKit - The RubyMotion layout and styling gem.
- MenuMotion - A RubyMotion wrapper for creating OS X menus
- EverydayMenu - An easy way to define menu items and visually lay out menus for your OSX apps.
- motion-imager - An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.
- purplish-layout - A RubyMotion wrapper for Auto Layout on iOS and OS X
- ProMotion-form - ProMotion::FormScreen - forms the ProMotion way!
- Ion_in_Motion - Ridiculously easy use of IonIcons in UILabels, UIButtons, UIImages and more. IonIcons: http://ionicons.com/
- Moticons - The easiest way to add icons to your RubyMotion app.
- Motion Swipe - Tinder-like swipe gem.
- Motion Floating Action Button - Material design floating action button.
- MotionFixtures - Simple support for test fixtures.
- WebStub - Easily stub out HTTP responses in RubyMotion specs.
- motion-stump - Stubbing and mocking for RubyMotion.
- motion-frank - A gem to use integrate frank-cucumber into RubyMotion projects.
- motion-crescentia - RubyMotion wrapper for the Calabash BDD framework.
- motion_print - A RubyMotion friendly console logger and debugging tool. Use it to output pretty formatted objects to the REPL.
- awesome_print_motion - A port of the awesome_print gem to RubyMotion.
- motion-colorize - Add some color to your RubyMotion output.
- motion-facon - A port of Facon mocking library to RubyMotion.
- guard-motion - Guard::Motion automatically run your RubyMotion specs (much like autotest)
- motion-instabug - motion-instabug allows RubyMotion projects to easily embed the Instabug SDK and be submitted to the Instabug platform.
- motion-schemes - Expand RubyMotion build system to support building multiple apps from one project.
- motion-config-vars - Heroku-style environment configuration for RubyMotion.
- MotionBundler - Require and mock Ruby gems (including their dependencies) within RubyMotion applications.
- motion-xray - An iOS Inspector that runs inside your app, so you can debug and analyze from your device in real-world situations.
- motion-sparkle - motion-sparkle makes it easy to use Sparkle with your RubyMotion projects
- motion-env - Sync ENV variables between Rakefile and RubyMotion
- motion-screenshots - Automatic screenshots for your RubyMotion apps
- motion-launchimages - Automate taking your RubyMotion launch images
- motion-my_env - Simple environment variable solution for RubyMotion
- motion-reveal - Easy way to add the Reveal framework to your Rubymotion project
- motion-maven - motion-maven lets you automatically manage 3rd-party Java dependencies in RubyMotion for Android projects using Maven
- AFMotion - A RubyMotion wrapper for AFNetworking.
- Motion-Plot - A RubyMotion wrapper for CorePlot.
- ParseModel - An Active Record pattern for your Parse models.
- motion-awesome - DSL to easily create buttons and labels using the wonderful font-awesome library.
- Motion Parse - Thin wrapper around the Parse SDK for RubyMotion.
- Parsistence - A Parse.com wrapper similar to persistence.js.
- Twittermotion - RubyMotion wrapper for the iOS Twitter API.
- motion-state-machine - A Grand Central-aware, simple syntax for state machines.
- motion-ocr - A RubyMotion wrapper for the OCR engine Tesseract.
- motion-addressbook - A RubyMotion wrapper around the iOS & OSX Address Book frameworks.
- motionscan - A RubyMotion wrapper around the image recognition SDK of Moodstocks.com.
- MapKitWrapper - Make dealing with MapKit less painful for RubyMotion.
- can_i - A RubyMotion wrapper providing a simple DSL for role authorization, similar to the CanCan gem.
- motion-inappmail - A RubyMotion wrapper to use the email composer in your app.
- MotionPanel - A native RubyMotion wrapper around the Mixpanel API.
- Joybox - Cocos2D & Box2D Wrapper for RubyMotion.
- Helu - A RubyMotion wrapper for the Store Kit Framework
- motion-acknowledgements - This gem makes it easy to include the CocoaPods acknowledgements file in your application.
- motion-settings-bundle - Create a Settings.bundle for your RubyMotion app
- Motion-Social - Wrapper around the Social Framework
- motion-net-service - A RubyMotion wrapper providing a simple DSL for the Bonjour (NSNetService) zero configuration network protocol.
- motion-firebase - A RubyMotion wrapper for the Firebase SDK.
- simple_si - A RubyMotion wrapper for SIAlertView
- motion-accessibility - Making accessibility accessible. RubyMotion Wrappers around the UIAccessibility protocols. Easily interact with Apple's impressive array of assistive technologies, including VoiceOver.
- motion-blitz - RubyMotion wrapper for SVProgressHUD
- motion-objection - RubyMotion wrapper for Objection
- RackMotion - Intercept and alter HTTP requests and responses in RubyMotion
- StatusBar - Notifications for the statusbar.
- motion-csv - A RubyMotion friendly CSV parser gem.
- motion-takeoff - A gem for scheduling stuff. You can use motion-takeoff to display messages at certain launch counts and schedule local notifications.
- motion-launchpad - A gem providing a DSL allowing you to schedule events on specific launches of your application. 'motion-takeoff' only supplies displaying an alert, this gem executes any code block.
- Vendor - A RubyMotion StoreKit Wrapper that allows you to buy, restore and get product info on your in app purchases and subscriptions.
- Motion-Wiretap - A wrapper for KVO, gestures, UIControl events, and procs. Okay okay it's pretty much ReactiveCocoa in RubyMotion.
- motion-dynamic-type - Simplifying even further iOS 7's Dynamic Type
- meteor-motion - A wrapper for Meteor DDP with support for Motion Model
- motion.h - Expose iOS and OS X system libraries in RubyMotion.
- motion-sqlite3 - A minimal wrapper over the SQLite 3 C API for RubyMotion
- motion-egg - Add an Easter egg to your app
- motion-distance - Easy distance tracking for RubyMotion projects.
- motion-giphy - A nice wrapper around the http://giphy.com API.
- motion-capture - An AVFoundation wrapper to support custom camera controllers.
- MotionPaddle - A RubyMotion gem for the Paddle framework
- ProMotion-iap - ProMotion-iap is in-app purchase notification support for the popular RubyMotion gem ProMotion.
- ProMotion-menu - RubyMotion gem allowing you to easily setup a facebook or Path style hidden slide menu easily with the ProMotion gem.
- ProMotion-push - Push notification support for ProMotion.
- ProMotion-map - ProMotion::MapScreen gem. Extracted from ProMotion core.
- apex - Apex is a RubyMotion web framework for OS X. It uses GCDWebServer under the hood and provides a Sinatra-like router and DSL.
- Toaster - RubyMotion-android 'Toast' gem. Makes working with Android toasts really easy!
- Indoctrinator - Indoctrinator is a RubyMotion gem that provides a Path style tutorial view for iOS applications.
- Crittercism - Easily add crash reporting to your RubyMotion app with Crittercism.
- motion-phrase - Connect your RubyMotion project with PhraseApp for easy app internationalization. Translatable strings are exported while browsing the app and then managable through the PhraseApp translation editor.
- purple-monkey - Barebones wrapper for working with MailChimp on iOS/OS X using RubyMotion
- motion-tickspot - A RubyMotion wrapper for the http://tickspot.com API that works on iOS and OS X.
- motion-aws - Provides iOS and OSX connectivity to AWS services.
- motion-ocean - A RubyMotion wrapper for the http://digitalocean.com API v2.0
- sox - A RubyMotion wrapper for the Freshbooks API
- Twittermotion - RubyMotion wrapper for the iOS Twitter API.
- under-os-image - The new simplified images processing API for the http://under-os.com/ project
- motion-giphy - A nice wrapper around the http://giphy.com API.
- motion-installr - Ad-hoc deployment using the amazing Installr service! https://www.installrapp.com/
- under-os-image - The new simplified images processing API for the http://under-os.com/ project
- motion-keychain - The motion-keychain gem is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS and OS X. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.
- Medic - Is HealthKit's verbose and convoluted API driving you mad? Quick! You need a medic!
- MotionPanel - A native RubyMotion wrapper around the Mixpanel API.
- motion-firebase - A RubyMotion wrapper for the Firebase SDK.
- motion-sqlite3 - A minimal wrapper over the SQLite 3 C API for RubyMotion
- rm-digest - MD5 and SHA1 digest for RubyMotion (gem)
- Android RubyMotionSamples - A collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- rubymotion-android-cookbook - Awesome rm cookbook examples for android
- IOS RubyMotionSamples - A collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- OSX RubyMotionSamples - A collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- mctv-mac-osx - Demo Pomodoro Technique Timer App
- motion-osx-ib - This is an example on how to use the ib gem in a OSX RubyMotion 2.0 application.
- motion-treeview-coredata - A port of the example from Connecting NSOutlineView to Core Data in 10.6 Part 1: Ordered Trees to RubyMotion.
- rm-osx-kartta - RubyMotion / OSX map viewer for Finnish topographical maps.
- tvOS RubyMotionSamples - A collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- Let's Write a RubyMotion App: Part 1 - In this tutorial, you’ll build a painting application from scratch.
Where to learn about RubyMotion and discover new RubyMotion libraries, projects and trends.
- RubyMotion Official Website - RubyMotion Official Website.
- Motion in Motion - A paid RubyMotion screencast with an occasional free episode for the masses to enjoy.
- Motion Casts - Learn to create native iOS applications using Ruby
- Motion Toolbox - A collection of RubyMotion libraries and wrappers
- App catalog - There are lots of RubyMotion apps in production.