This Android app provides Trivel commands to the arduino
g - Send command: Get signals
i - Send command: Idle drive
c - Send command: Calibrate drive
road - Start Roadfeel
Send command: Assisted mode
a [cadence]
a [cadence] [ratio period]
Send command: Resistance mode
- r
- r [torque]
- r [damping inertia]
- r [torque] t [ratio period]
- r [torque] p [ratio bias]
Send command: cycling mode
- cycling [torque] [gain] [phase]
This Android app provides a line-oriented terminal / console for devices with a serial / UART interface connected with a USB-to-serial-converter.
It supports USB to serial converters based on
- FTDI FT232, FT2232, ...
- Prolific PL2303
- Silabs CP2102, CP2105, ...
- Qinheng CH340, CH341
and devices implementing the USB CDC protocol like
- Arduino using ATmega32U4
- Digispark using V-USB software USB
- BBC micro:bit using ARM mbed DAPLink firmware
- permission handling on device connection
- foreground service to buffer receive data while the app is rotating, in background, ...
The app uses the usb-serial-for-android library.
I got various requests asking for help with Android development or source code for my Serial USB Terminal app. Here you find a simplified version of my app.