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Quantifying Error for MPI Reduce


  • SimGrid - preferably most recent git version. SimGrid requires cmake if building from source.
  • Boost. The path should be in your CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH. I did this by installing via spack then executing module load boost-1.72<tab complete>.
  • MPFR - this is needed for Boost's multiprecision C++ interface. I installed via spack then module load mpfr-<tab complete>


  • To build: make
  • make quick runs some short MPI programs for diagnostics' sake
  • make sim runs tests for different simgrid reduction algorithms. This outputs results in a tsv, with the exception of SimGrid diagnostics.
  • make ompi runs tests for different OpenMPI reduction algorithms
  • USE_MPI=0 make -j assoc runs many random associations (must have USE_MPI = 0)
    • The output of this can be passed into R to generate plots; put the output into a directory, src/analysis/experiments/assoc then cd src/analysis && Rscript assoc.R
    • -j will run 4 experiments independently
  • USE_MPI=0 make gen_random generates many random numbers. Useful for plotting a histogram of exotic distributions. Then use, e.g., ./gen_random 50000 rsubn
  • NOTE: Do make clean before changing between MPI (the default) and non-mpi (USE_MPI=0 make)

Software Versions

Versions of software:

  • Boost 1.72.0
  • Simgrid 3.25.1, or commit hash 4b7251c4ac80f95f82ac25ecfb3a9f618150cb11
  • GCC 7.5.0 and OpenMPI 4.0.3 on the single-node
  • GCC 7.3.0 and OpenMPI 2.1 on the multi-node cluster (talapas @ UOregon)
  • MPFR 4.0.2

Re-generating the tsv files

Some of the directories here were not used to generate the results, but were used for comparison

The four that are used in ./

  1. openmpi
  2. talapas
  3. simgrid
  4. smp_rsag

This directory is used in assoc.R:

  1. assoc

This is used in height.R:

  1. with-height

To modify for even more experiments, you can run and add more chunks for different directories. For example, look at experiments/talapas and experiments/onenode-allreduce. Those are the same file format. You can copy that "paragraph" whose line starts with "Running on a cluster" and change DIR if you want both.

You can run ./ to generate nekbone.tsv from the directories of .txt logs

As far as regenerating experiments, this should do it:

# inside `nekbone` directory

# This one will take a while.

# inside `src`
USE_MPI=0 make gen_random
./gen_random 10000 rsubn > analysis/experiments/subn.tsv

# This one also takes a bit. Maybe an hour or two. You no longer need the
# `with-height` directory since the updated assoc binary now prints that column
# However, `height` takes longer so for large experiment numbers this is
# turned off.
USE_MPI=0 make -j assoc

Modifying takes a while and can be finicky. If you want to change things, you can first comment out one of the four make lines to speed things up. If you want to change the problem size, make things lower. Fortran and GCC have memory problems and don't support -mcmodel=large for static arrays. You may also need to modify custom/SIZE as well, which are compile-time constants for Nekbone.

Figures and Analysis

For figures, you should just be able to run Rscript <file> for each of the R files, as long as the datasets are in the experiments directory. Other things are printed which are used in the text of the paper or to justify statements.

Generating a tar

The github repository can be found here.

The tar was created using

tar -a -cvf datasets.tar.bz2 nekbone.tsv subn.tsv openmpi talapas simgrid assoc with-height onenode-allreduce

Happy reproducing -Sam


Reduce error of reduce error: Quantifying error of MPI collectives starting with MPI_Reduce








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