This plugin will allow you to report the licenses used in your projects. It requires sbt 0.13.5+
Create a file in your project called project/license.sbt
with the following contents:
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-license-report" % "1.0.0")
> dumpLicenseReport
This dumps a report of all the licenses used in a project, with an attempt to organize them. These are dumped, by default, to the target/license-reports
The license report plugin can be configured to dump any number of reports, but the default report can be controlled via the following keys:
// Used to name the report file, and in the HTML/Markdown as the
// title.
licenseReportTitle := "Example Report"
// The ivy configurations we'd like to grab licenses for.
licenseConfigurations := Set("compile", "provided")
// The order in which we find/choose licenses. You can add your own license
// detection here
licenseSelection := Seq(LicenseCategory.BSD, LicenseCategory.Apache)
// Attach notes to modules
licenseReportNotes := {
case DepModuleInfo(group, id, version) if group == "example" => "Made up artifact"
// Override the license information from ivy, if it's non-existent or
// wrong
licenseOverrides := {
case DepModuleInfo("com.jsuereth", _, _) => LicenseCategory.BSD
A three step process
> git tag -u <pgp key> v<version>
> sbt
sbt> publishSigned
This software is under the Apache 2.0 License.