Build the project with ./gradlew build
or ./gradlew.bat build
Run the project with java -jar ./build/libs/*.jar
To deploy and run use ./ build_start
or ./run.bat build_start
All services of the project are run as docker containers. The run script offers the next tasks:
. Build the whole project, recreate User Management and tail the logs of all the containers.start
. Start the dockerised environment without building the project and tail the logs of all the containers.stop
. Stop the dockerised environment.tail
. Tail the logs of all the containers.
To use H2 Console go to http://localhost:8080/h2-console.
- URL: jdbc:h2:file:./build/h2/db/user_management
- User: admin
- Password: admin
The service exposes an H2 console on port 8082.
- URL: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:8082/./build/h2/db/user_management
- User: admin
- Password: admin
The database is pre-populated with authorities such as ROLE_USER
and a singe test admin user.
- Username (email): [email protected]
- Password (password): admin
Complete swagger documentation containing all relevant endpoints.
Action | Method | URL |
Create user | POST | /api/register |
Authenticate user | POST | /api/authenticate |
List users | GET | /api/users?firstName=&lastName=&email&=country=&address= |
Get user | GET | /api/users/{userId} OR /api/users/-me- |
Update user | PUT | /api/users/{userId} OR /api/users/-me- |