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Notice of obsolescence

As of Scala 2.12.0-RC1, this plugin is obsolete, thanks to scala/scala#5369.

scala-2.12-junit-mixin: restore your JUnit @Test methods in traits

Build Status

With Scala 2.12.0-M5 and JUnit 4, you might have encountered warnings such as the following:

[warn] TraitToClassMixinTest.scala:24: JUnit tests in traits that are
       compiled as default methods are not executed by JUnit 4.
       JUnit 5 will fix this issue.
[warn]   @Test def test2(): Unit = {
[warn]             ^

Uh oh! Some of your test suite just doesn't run anymore! As the warning tells you, this will be fixed if you upgrade to JUnit 5 ... except that is not released yet.

scala-2.12-junit-mixin solves this issue right now, with Scala 2.12.0-M5 and JUnit 4. Simply add the following to your project settings:

/* The `test-plugin` configuration adds a plugin only to the `test`
 * configuration. It is a refinement of the `plugin` configuration which adds
 * it to both `compile` and `test`.
ivyConfigurations += config("test-plugin").hide
scalacOptions in Test ++= {
  val report = update.value
  val jars ="test-plugin"))
  for {
    jar <- jars
    jarPath = jar.getPath
    // This is a hack to filter out the dependencies of the plugins
    if jarPath.contains("plugin")
  } yield {

// Add the scala-junit-mixin-plugin to the test configuration when on 2.12
libraryDependencies ++= {
  if (scalaVersion.value.startsWith("2.10.") || scalaVersion.value.startsWith("2.11."))
    Seq("org.scala-js" % "scala-junit-mixin-plugin" % "0.1.0" % "test-plugin" cross CrossVersion.full)

scala-2.12-junit-mixin-plugin is platform-independent. It works with Scala on the JVM and with Scala.js.

How it works

The compiler plugin performs a very simple job. When a JUnit-related method is inherited by a class from an interface as a default method, an explicit forwarder is added in the class to call the default method.

For example, consider the following Scala code:

trait MyTestsBase {
  @Test def add(): Unit =
    assertEquals(3, 1 + 2)

  def notATest(): Unit =
    assertEquals(5, 2 + 3)

class MyTests extends MyTestsBase

Scala 2.12.0-M5 identifies that add() does not need a forward in MyTests, because it will be inherited as a default method on the JVM. But this fools JUnit 4, which does not look for @Test methods in interfaces. In this case, the plugin rewrites MyTests as follows:

class MyTests extends MyTestsBase {
  @Test override def add(): Unit =

This allows JUnit to find MyTests.add(). Note that notATest() does not receive the plugin treatment, because it is not JUnit-related.

JUnit-related methods are those annotated with one of the following annotations: @Test, @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass, @Ignore.


scala-2.12-junit-mixin-plugin is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license.


Follow the contributing guide.


Restore your JUnit @test methods in traits with Scala 2.12.0-M5







No packages published

Contributors 3

