Activates/deactivates Wemo switches when certain processes are active.
# The Wemo device "Meeting in Progress sign" will turn on whenever a BlueJeans process is detected on the system.
wemowatch --name "Meeting in Progress sign" --processes "BlueJeans"
Make sure you have Go installed and then run this to download/install:
go install
This is the meeting in progress sign I use:
This is the wemo plug I use (but any wemo branded switch should work):
To keep the script running at all times, I add it to my crontab like so. Wemowatch is designed to automatically exit if there is already a wemowatch process running so it is safe to run this once an hour.
0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/wemowatch --name "Meeting in Progress sign" -p "bluejeans," --log-file="/var/log/wemowatch.log"