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![!WARNING] This ODTP component is provided solely for educational and research purposes. It has been developed as part of a collaborative research project between SDSC and Geneva University under an agreement with UNHRC. Use of this tool is subject to compliance with the terms of use established by the United Nations in their platform. SDSC, Geneva University, and UNHRC assume no responsibility or liability for any misuse or unintended consequences arising from its use.


This repository makes use of submodules. Therefore, when cloning it you need to include them.

git clone --recurse-submodules

This tool scrapes the UNOG Digital Recordings page to extract all available meetings and creates a JSON Lines file with all the information.

Table of Contents

Tools Information

No external tool is used. The script is contained in

How to add this component to your ODTP instance

In order to add this component to your ODTP CLI, you can use. If you want to use the component directly, please refer to the docker section.

odtp new odtp-component-entry \
--name odtp-unog-digitalrecordings-scrapper \
--component-version v1.0.0 \

Data sheet


Parameter Description Type Required Default Value Possible Values Constraints
start_date Start date in DD/MM/YYYY format string Yes 01/07/2014 N/A N/A
end_date End date in DD/MM/YYYY format string Yes N/A N/A N/A
output_file Output JSONL file string Yes meetings.jsonl N/A N/A
organization Organization code string No UNHRC N/A N/A
meeting_type Type of meeting string No "" N/A N/A
keywords Keywords for filtering string No "" N/A N/A


No secrets

Input Files

No inputs files

Output Files

File/Folder Description File Type Contents Usage
XXXX.jsonl JSON Lines file containing the fetched UNHRC meetings data JSONL Meeting data in JSON Lines format Defined by the OUTPUT_FILE parameter
Recording Folder A folder containing the recordings and metadata Multiple


How to run this component as docker

Build the dockerfile.

docker build -t odtp-unog-digitalrecordings-scrapper .

Run the following command. Mount the correct volumes for input/output/logs folders.

docker run -it --rm \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
--env-file .env odtp-unog-digitalrecordings-scrapper

Development Mode

To run the component in development mode, mount the app folder inside the container:

docker run -it --rm \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_APP_FOLDER}:/odtp/app \
--env-file .env \
--entrypoint bash odtp-unog-digitalrecordings-scrapper
docker run -it --rm `
-v ${PWD}/odtp-input:/odtp/odtp-input `
-v ${PWD}/odtp-output:/odtp/odtp-output `
-v ${PWD}/odtp-logs:/odtp/odtp-logs `
--env-file .env `
--entrypoint bash odtp-unog-digitalrecordings-scrapper

The you can run the following in order to simulate one iteration of the component:

bash /odtp/odtp-component-client/

Running in API Mode

To run the component in API mode and expose a port, use the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
--env-file .env odtp-unog-digitalrecordings-scrapper

Credits and references


This component has been created using the odtp-component-template v0.5.0.