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Python Project Template

This is a quickstart project template for Python that already comes attached with the following features:

  • Packaging and metadata support
  • Formatting and linting via pre-commit, black, usort, and flake8
  • Testing via pytest
  • CI via github-actions


To tailor this template to your needs, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Rename the myproject package folder to your project name
  2. Change metadata and project name in setup.cfg.
  3. Do not forget to change the version attribute to point to your new package name as well.
  4. Add dependencies to requirements.txt
  5. Adjust the LICENSE file to your liking.
  6. Adjust this file to your liking.

Formatting and linting

Install pre-commit and pytest via

pip install -r ci_requirements.txt

To format and lint the entire codebase run:

pre-commit run --all-files

To perform this step automatically during each commit (and fail on errors) run:

pre-commit install


To run the tests execute:


in the top-level directory. Tests can also be executed individually by running them as regular python script. This requires you to add a small main function to them, c.f. test/

Github Actions

This project defines the following workflows:

  1. run_linting.yml will run pre-commit run --all-files on every push to develop and pull request
  2. run_tests.yml will run pytest on Windows, Ubuntu, and MacOS on every push to develop and pull_request
  3. release_public.yml and release_test.yml can be triggered manually to build a wheel distribution and publish it to PyPI or TestPyPI respectively

For the publising to work, you need to add the PyPI API token as Github secrets:

  • PYPI_TOKEN for the official PyPI index
  • TEST_PYPI_TOKEN for the TestPyPI index


No description, website, or topics provided.




