wordpress plugin for Instant Annotation
The plugin comes with a lightweight editor to create schema.org annotations that are automatically inserted in the source code of your post or page. It can be used to annotate things like events, recipes, articles .. in regards to the recommended properties by google, or you can even create your own templates.
If you installed and activated the plugin, you will see the instant-annotation features in every page and post. Here you can add "annotation-boxes", by either importing them from your existing semantify.it account, or just create an empty template and simply fill in at least all required fields (all fields above optional) and hit Save.
In the settings menu you can enter the credentials of your semantify.it account if you want yout crated annotations to be stored on your personal account. This is not mandatory, and the previously crated annotations can also be migrated to your account afterwards. If you want to use the import feature, you must enter your credentials.
If you don't know your website-UID and website-secret, you can simply enter your email and passwrd in the login section and it will be done for you.
Download the zip file, extract it and put it into the plugins folder of your wordpress installation, or click "install" on your plugins web interface and select the downloaded zip file.