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Wish List

Lydia Buntrock edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Status and wish list

Feature SVIM SVIRL Vaquita SVIM + SVIRL wishes
Considers signatures in CIGAR yes yes yes yes
Considers signatures between alignments yes yes yes yes
Variant types Del, Ins, Inv, Dup (like Trans), TDup (Overlapping Reads) currently only Del, breakends planned Deletion, Inversion, Tandem Duplication, Duplication, Translocation (Inter-,intra chromosome), Breakends Ins, breakends (= novel junctions); in later, separate step define also Del, Inv, Dup (wie Trans), TDup (Overlapping Reads)
Distance metric of two reads Length and position Alignment of patches Length and position Both - user configurable
Clustering approach Hierarchical clustering of length and position Vertex cover in conflict graph Clustering based on positions Both - user configurable
Consensus computation no, considered for insertions yes Yes but optional (not that effective I guess..) yes, but optional
Output sequence in VCF no no yes yes
Genotyping yes yes Yes but weak (just based on depth, I have to check this..) yes
Language Python with PySam C++ with SeqAn2 C++, SeqAn2 C++ with SeqAn3

Goal: Modular implementation [26.06.2019]

Step Task Output
1 Identify both types of signatures as candidate breakends in reads (one candidate breakend corresponds to one read, a read can produce several candidate breakends) Candidate breakends
2 Sliding window (output: subsets of candidate breakpoints) Candidate breakends with subset number
3 Distance computation between pairs of candidate breakends (two approaches) per subset Candidate breakends with subset number and pairwise distances in subset
4 Clustering (two approaches) Candidate breakends with subset number and cluster number
5 (Optional): Consensus computation Candidate breakends with subset number, cluster number and consensus
6 (Optional): Split alignment of consensus to reference Candidate breakends with subset number, cluster number, consensus and alignment
7 Determining breakend position Breakends in VCF format
8 Genotyping (two approaches) Breakends in VCF format with genotypes
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