How to request a personal Code Review
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 Feedback |
Module 1 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 |
Project 3 Presentations |
Project 3 Feedback |
Module 2 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 Presentations | Graduation |
Homework | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | CELEBRATE! | CELEBRATE MORE! |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Labor Day | Djikstra's Algorithm | Hash Maps | Big O |
Project 3
Module 1 | Labor Day | TDD Roman Numerals Lab | Lightning Talks | Project 3 | Project 3 |
Module 2 | Labor Day | Lightning Talk Prep | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 |
Homework | Labor Day | Lightning Talk Prep | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 |
Happy Tree Friends
Module 1 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Outcomes | Legacy App Debugging Lab |
Module 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 |
Project 2
| ||
Homework |
Project 2
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills |
| ||||
Module 1 |
| ||||
Module 2 | Vagabond presentations | Lightning Talk Prep | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 |
Homework | Asset Pipeline, Issues, & Feedback Survey | P2 Spec & Lightning Prep | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Secret Keys | 1:N, N:N Relationships | Welcome to Migration Hell!!! | Vagabond | Vagabond |
Module 1 | Rails Auth | Migrations & Associations | Validations and Error Handling |
Outcomes Git Workflow |
Vagabond |
Module 2 | Library App Part 1 | Library App Part 2 | Vagabond & Heroku Deploy Workshop | Vagabond | Vagabond |
Homework | Associations & Migrations Reading | Validations Reading | Vagabond | Vagabond | Vagabond |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Username Generator | CSV Challenge | CSV Challenge | Feedback Survey | CSV Challenge |
Module 1 | Username Generator & Regex | OO Card Game | Active Record |
------- DIR Power Hour |
Rock n Rails |
Module 2 | RubyOOP | SQL Queries | Intro Rails | Review | Outside In Development with Rails |
Homework | Wheel of Fortune Lab & SQL Reading |
Carmen Sandiego
------- Active Record Reading |
Rails For Zombies | Rails Active Records Guides/Partials and Helpers | Bog App |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Singly Linked Lists | Binary Search Tree | Stacks and Queues | Ruby Preparatory School |
Facebook Ruby Warrior
Command Line Ruby Warrior |
Module 1 | Promise Chaining | Book App | Choose your API integration! |
------- DIR Power Hour |
Ruby Control Flow |
Module 2 |
Angular Routing Color me Angular |
Book App | Choose your API integration! | Intro Ruby | Idiomatic Ruby |
Homework | Tunely 4 | Book App |
Ruby Health Check
---------- Try Ruby! |
Ruby Koans | Ruby method drills |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Project 1 | Project 1 | Seven Challenges | Intro Angular Challenges | Linked Lists |
Module 1 | Project 1 | Project 1 Presentations | Seven Challenges |
------- Angular Intro |
-------- Hangular Man |
Module 2 | Project 1 | Debugging Party | Express Form Login Cookies Lab | Tunely Angular | Angular Weekend Lab |
Homework | Project 1 | TBD | TBD | Angular Reading | Gotta CRUD 'em all! |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Science Fair (team) | Tunely (tbd) | Project 1 Intro (tbd) | Project 1 (tbd) | Project 1 (team) |
Module 1 | Tunely (J) | Tunely (J) | P1 Approvals (team) | P1 | P1 Auth BreakOut |
Module 2 | Tunely (B) | Tunely (B) | P1 | P1 | P1 |
Homework | Tunely | Tunely | P1 | P1 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Project 0 Debrief (team) | Science Fair (team) | Bubble Sort (BM) | Merge Sort (JC) | Iterator Review (JC) |
Module 1 | Project 0 Clinic (team) | Intro to Express (BM) | RESTful Routing & Todo Lab (BM & NA) |
Outcomes IA Power Hour (MC) |
Mongoose (JC & BM) |
Module 2 | Beautiful Code (NA) | Express & Query Params (JC) | Intro to Mongoose (JC) | Mongoose Relationships (BM) | Personal API - Weekend Lab (NA) |
Homework | Racing Game Refactor & HTTP Reading |
REST Reading & Exercises
Mongoose Reading |
Review Prep & Mongoose Exercises | Finish Book App Sprint 2 | Weekend Lab |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! | JSON & HTML Strings (NA) | Handlebars & Mr. Fox Demo (NA) | Binary search | OOP |
Module 1 | HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! | Query Strings / HTML Forms & Lab (BM) | Geoquakes Lab (BM) |
Outcomes Assessment |
OOP Constructors |
Module 2 | HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! | Intro AJAX: Giphy Lab (JC) | OOP (JC) | Epic Ajax Challenge | OOP & the Web & WLab: Project 0 |
Homework | HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! | Query Param & JQuery form submit reading (BM) | Finish labs and Flower methods! | Game Prep w/ OOP Problem Set Due | Project 0 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Drills | Orientation (team) | Kyrel (Ben) | Kyrel (Ben) | Kyrel (Ben) | Kyrel (Ben) |
Module 1 |
Orientation (team) Assessment - Solution |
Control Flow (Ben) | Array Methods (Justin) |
Outcomes JQuery & The DOM (Justin) |
Review Assessment
Module 2 | Command Line / GitHub Workflow (Ben) | Functions & Scope (Nathan) | Bootstrap (Ben) | DOM Events + LAB (Justin) |
Mouse-A-Sketch Lab Weekend Lab: Tic-Tac-Toe (Justin) |
Homework | Command Line Mystery (Justin) | JS Primitives & Objects (Justin) | Function Practice & DOM Preview (Justin) |
JQuery Practice (Ben)
Problem Set Due |
Laundry-Lab & Iterators (Justin) |