Module provides ability to crop user image on client side.
<label class="item-form item-file">
<span class="item-label">Image Cropper</span>
<input type="file" class="js-sf-cropper" data-name="image" data-preview="#cropper-preview">
<span id="cropper-preview"></span>
Cropper preview:
- data-format - how to send data: cropped or full size with coordinates to crop on server Default: "cropped" Optional: "full"
- data-ajax-image - preloading of image through ajax request Default: "false" Optional: url of image to preload
- data-template - pass custom html template of cropper
- data-ajax-address - request address for submitting (if there is no form) Default: "false" Optional: request URL
- data-ratio - locked aspect ratio Default: false
- data-filename-selector - node selector to place filename. If starts with space - global search of node (document) otherwise inside the node (if the node is input, then from parent node)
- data-info - what info to show Default: [] Example: data-info="ratio,origSize,croppedSize"
- data-preview - selector of preview element Default: ""
- data-save-btn-text - save button text Default: "Save"
- data-close-btn-text - save button text Default: "Close"
- data-custom-btn-class - pass custom class to btns Default: ""
- data-adjust - selector of element which triggers crop-modal Default: "" If starts with space - global search of node (document) otherwise inside the node (if the node is input, then from parent node)
npm install -g gulp
npm install
gulp build
Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Chepura, Yauheni Yasinau and contributors. Released under an MIT license.