Access to a kubernetes cluster
Create azure service bus and new topic and get the endpoint connection strings a. servicebus name: knative-dapr-demo b. topic name: knative-dapr-demo
Add openfunction chart repo
helm repo add openfunction helm repo update
Deploy openfunction chart
helm install openfunction openfunction/openfunction -n openfunction --create-namespace --wait
Create namespace for the demo
kubectl create ns knative-dapr-demo
Deploy dapr component to use azure service bus (replace the connection string in dapr/azure-service-bus-component.yaml)
kubectl apply -f dapr/azure-service-bus-component.yaml
in subscriber/open-subscriber.yamlkubectl apply -f subscriber/open-subscriber.yaml
Deploy subscriber
kubectl apply -f subscriber/open-subscriber.yaml
Send a message topic from azure portal, and see the subscriber scale up