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Sharkiller edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

🔴 Player Options

🟢 Autoplay video links

Enable or disable automatic playback of .mdp / .m3u8 / .m3u links

🟢 Detect low latency streams

Enable or disable playback of live streams with low delay.

🟢 Default audio language

Choose the default audio channel language. This function depends on the channels having correctly cataloged audio track language.

🔴 Custom Widevine Server format


The format consists of a RegEx and a Widevine server separated by the > character.
[RexEx]>[Widevine Server] character.

The RegEx is used to filter the custom Widevine server URL.

🔵 Example

Having a video URL like the following:

One can create a RegEx like the following to validate the URL:

Easily, you can see if it is a correct RegEx with RegEx validation webs like the following one:

The player already validates the RegEx in a case-insensitive way, so there is no need to add extra characters.

Once you have the custom RegEx and the URL of the Widevine server, you only have to join them in a single line separated by the > character.

🔴 Format of the custom ClearKeys list


The format is simple. It is a JSON Object with infinite ClearKey entries of "key_id":"key"

🔵 Example
