HTML5 Game Engine
Hex Engine is a 2d HTML5 game engine.
This game engine represents my 3rd generation of game engine development. It uses advanced rendering techniques to squeeze large amounts of rendering, such as high resolution lighting, into a web browser.
Please do send me an email so I can follow your project if you use hex or its tech! [email protected]
Feature Overview:
Open up index.html with your web browser. (I SERIOUSLY recommend chrome. Chrome is hundreds of times faster than the competition)
This game engine is not documented, but it should be easy enough to pick up given its size is relatively small. A few starting points are listed below.
HObjects.js contains all engine initialization. You can follow the engine out from there in terms of scripting and additional initialization.
HEngine.js contains the main loop. It's even called loop() for simplicity :)
Asset_Manager.js This is where you will tell hexengine what assets you want to load. Follow the inline comments.
If you have any questions at all feel free to email Shawn: [email protected]