This plugin enabled Bluetooth communication between a phone and an RFduino.
- iOS
- Android
Android 4.3 or greater is required. Update the generated cordova project from target 17 to 18 or 19
$ android update project -p platforms/android -t android-19
This is an early version of plugin, the API is likely to change.
The current version will only connect to one RFduino at a time.
For this version rfduino.write() only accepts strings and does not check if data exceeds the max size.
Install with Cordova cli
$ cordova plugin add com.megster.cordova.rfduino
Discover RFduino devices, success, failure);
Function discover
discovers the local RFduino devices. The success callback is called each time a peripheral is discovered.
"name": "RFduino",
"uuid": "BD922605-1B07-4D55-8D09-B66653E51BBA",
"advertising": "echo",
"rssi": -79
- seconds: Number of seconds to run discovery
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with a list of bonded devices.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional], function(device) {
}, failure);
Lists known devices
rfduino.list(success, failure);
Function list
lists the known RFduino devices. The success callback is called with a list of objects.
This will return an empty list unless discover
have previously run. You should prefer discover
to list
"name": "RFduino",
"uuid": "AEC00232-2F92-4033-8E80-FD4C2533769C",
"advertising": "echo",
"rssi": -79
}, {
"name": "RFduino",
"uuid": "AEC00232-2F92-4033-8E80-FD4C2533769C",
"advertising": "temp",
"rssi": -55
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with a list of bonded devices.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
rfduino.list(function(devices) {
devices.forEach(function(device) {
}, failure);
Connect to a RFduino device.
rfduino.connect(uuid, connectSuccess, connectFailure);
Function connect
connects to a RFduino device. The callback is long running. Success will be called when the connection is successful. Failure is called if the connection fails, or later if the connection disconnects. An error message is passed to the failure callback.
- uuid: UUID of the remote device
- connectSuccess: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful.
- connectFailure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs or the connection disconnects.
rfduino.disconnect([success], [failure]);
Function disconnect
disconnects the current connection.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Adds a callback for processing data from the RFduino.
rfduino.onData(success, failure);
Function onData
registers a function that is called whenever phone receives data from the RFduino.
Raw data is passed from ObjectiveC the callback as an ArrayBuffer and must be processed.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Writes data to the currently connected device
rfduino.write(data, success, failure);
Function write
writes data to the connected device. Data must be a String. for this version.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked when the connection is successful. [optional]
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
Reports the connection status.
rfduino.isConnected(success, failure);
Function isConnected
calls the success callback when connected to a peer and the failure callback when not connected.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with a boolean for connected status.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
function() {
console.log("RFduino is connected");
function() {
console.log("RFduino is *not* connected");
Reports if bluetooth is enabled.
rfduino.isEnabled(success, failure);
Function isEnabled
calls the success callback when Bluetooth is enabled and the failure callback when Bluetooth is not enabled.
- success: Success callback function that is invoked with a boolean for connected status.
- failure: Error callback function, invoked when error occurs. [optional]
function() {
console.log("Bluetooth is enabled");
function() {
console.log("Bluetooth is *not* enabled");
Apache 2.0
Try the code. If you find an problem or missing feature, file an issue or create a pull request.