💡 Script basado e inspirado para el JAN Theme de -> https://gh.mlsub.net/gh0stzk/dotfiles
📢 Este script en bash basicamente requiere tener instalado el Theme de https://gh.mlsub.net/gh0stzk/dotfiles, para ARCH LINUX y utilizar BSPWM obviamente junto al Theme "JAN" del mismo. Ya que es el que yo utilizo actualmente. Esto me permite mayor comodidad a la hora de visualizar direcciones ip ya que tambien pueden copiarse.
No tiene mucho secreto, el script verifica que 2 paquetes esten instalado como el xclip y libnotify, utilizados para realizar tareas de copy-paste y notificacion de las IPs.
Reemplaza el modulo "title" que muestra los nombres de las ventanas (no util para mi), y se agregan los modulos de VPN, TARGET, LAN y WAN. Se pueden activar mediante linea de comando con alias que son agregados por el mismo script.
VPN -> Muestra la direccion IP de la misma en tun0
TARGET -> Muetra direccion IP o Dominio que escribamos mediante el comando > target
LAN -> Chequea la interface y devuelve IP de LAN
WAN -> Lo mismo para la IP publica mediante un curl a una web.
💡 Modules based/inspired on JAN THEME from -> https://gh.mlsub.net/gh0stzk/dotfiles
This bash script basically requires having the https://gh.mlsub.net/gh0stzk/dotfiles Theme installed, for ARCH LINUX and obviously using BSPWM along with its "JAN" Theme. Since it is the one I currently use. And this allowed me greater comfort.
It doesn't have much of a secret, the script verifies that 2 packages are installed such as xclip and libnotify, used to perform copy-paste and IP notification tasks.
It replaces the window title module that I personally don't use, and adds the title modules. VPN, TARGET, LAN and WAN.
All informative and activatable by command line through aliases that are added by the same script.
VPN -> Shows its IP address in tun0
TARGET -> Shows the IP address or Domain that we write using the command > target
LAN -> Check the interface and return LAN IP
WAN -> The same for the public IP through a curl to a website.
git clone https://github.com/shkz-x/conn_d0tfiles.git
chmod +x conn_d0tfiles.sh
von -> SHOW vpn ip
voff -> HIDE vpn ip
lanon -> SHOW lan ip
lanoff -> HIDE lan ip
wanon -> SHOW wan ip
wanoff -> HIDE wan ip
target [value] -> Set a TARGET
targetoff -> Unset TARGET