The index has ~30 million tokens, split into 3000 files (10,000 tokens each). The tokens are sorted alphabetically in these files.
The index can be found in final_index
folder - created with
I have also stored the first token of each of these files in a file called mergeWords.txt
Titles are stored in 5000 files in final_index/titles
- Write to the disk (sorted manner) after every 10,000 documents
- Once inverted index is created in separate files, merge them
- Merging done by maintaing a heap structure and writing to another set of index files
- 10,000 tokens are written to each final index file
- Store title of each document and first word of final index files
Search utilizes the titles folder and final index folder mentioned above.
- Read the first word of each of the final index files into an array
- Lowercase, tokenize, and stem the query
- Search for the file that has the query term's posting list by binary searching on the aforementioned first words array
- Calculate the tf-idf score based on different weights allotted for t,b,i,r,l,c
- Sort the documents and display the k-best documents