MURA is a dataset of bone X-rays that allows to create models that find abnormalities. Fastai v1 allows to create such a world-class model as part of the MURA competition, which evaluates the performance of a study classifier using the kappa score.
MURA (MUsculoskeletal RAdiographs) is a large dataset of bone X-rays that allows to create models that determines whether an X-ray study is normal or abnormal (we could use as well this dataset to classify bones into the categories shoulder, humerus, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, and finger). MURA is one of the largest public radiographic image datasets.
A small description of the project can be found in the following link.
- Shreya, CHAWLA, student, LNM IIT Jaipur, LinkedIn
- Siddharth, TIWARI, student, IIIT Bangore, LinkedIn
- To Install: Run pip install -r requirements.txt
- To Reproduce Results: Link