This repository contains my own personal MacOS (using nix-darwin) and home-manager system configurations. I use this to provision my MacOS instance, as well as provision the same environment on Linux systems (currently non-NixOS) using standalone home-manager.
This is a work in progress and may not work as expected. It isn't
intended to be used by other people in their own setup, but feel free to
reference it as you get into using nix
- Install
(if not on NixOS) I prefer to use the Determinate Systems installer.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
2.a Initialize the MacOS system, with home-manager as a module
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake .
2.b. Initialize home-manager on a Linux system
nix run home-manager -- switch --flake .
3.a. Reload the full system on MacOS
darwin-rebuild switch --flake .
3.b. Reload home-manager on a Linux system
home-manager switch --flake .