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SilverStripe API docs for the core system in different versions, generated through Doctum.

  • The documentation is generated from git cloned repositories located in data/. This folder is created and populated by running the SilverStripe\ApiDocs\Tasks\BuildDocsTask which is usually run via the SilverStripe\ApiDocs\Build\BuildDocsQueuedJob queued job.
  • This will generated a series of static HTML files which are located in the static folder in subdirectories that match the major version e.g. static/5 is for CMS 5. These static files are generated as part of BuildDocsTask.
  • Apache will serve these static files when requested by using rules defined in .htaccess files in the root, static and public folders.
  • The Silverstripe composer requirements are fairly and are the to run queuedjobs, as well as ensure the site will be easily deployable to Silverstripe cloud.


If you are running this locally with DDEV, make sure you set your docroot to ., instead of the public folder: ddev config docroot '.' && ddev restart

Add a new major version

  • Make sure has been updated with correct branch mapping and the composer.lock file in this repository has been updated i.e. run composer update in the root of this repository.
  • Add a new major version in the doctum-conf/doctum.json file.

Change the default major version

  • Update the redirections in public/.htaccess to the latest major stable version
  • Update the DEFAULT_BRANCH constant in app/src/Lookup/Lookup.php to the new stable major version.

Symbol lookup

The project comes with a simple PHP script to convert PHP symbols (classes, methods, properties) to their URL representations in the API docs, and redirects there.

The lookup is primarily used by to drive its custom [api:<symbol-name>] links in Markdown, without coupling it tightly to the used API generator URL layout.


  • q: (required) Class name, method name (<class>::<method>() or <class>-><method>()), as well as property name ((<class>::$<property> or <class>-><property>).
  • version: (optional) Version of the targeted module. Should map to a folder name. Default is defined in app/src/Lookup/Lookup.php.
  • module: (optional) Module name. Should map to a folder name. Defaults to framework.


  • /search/lookup?q=SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject: Shows DataObject docs in default version of framework
  • /search/lookup?q=SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject::get()&version=4: Shows DataObject::get() docs in 4 version of framework
  • /search/lookup?q=SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension::onBeforeWrite()&version=4: Shows SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension::onBeforeWrite() docs in (4.x) version of framework


While SilverStripe self-hosts this project, community contributions to the code are very welcome :) Please check out our guide to contributing code on