LAMINR (Learning and Aligning Manifolds of Single-Neuron Invariances using Implicit Neural Representations) enables the systematic discovery and alignment of invariance manifolds in stimulus space for visual sensory neurons, providing a principled way to characterize and compare neuronal invariances at the population level, independent of nuisance receptive field properties such as position, size, and orientation.
- Continuous Invariance Manifold Learning: Identifies the full space of stimuli that elicit near-maximal responses from a neuron.
- Alignment Across Neurons: Learns transformations that align invariance manifolds across neurons, revealing shared invariance properties.
- Functional Clustering: Uncovers distinct functional neuron clusters based on their invariance properties.
- Model-Agnostic: Can be applied to any robust response-predicting model of biological neurons.
You can install LAMINR using one of the following methods:
pip install laminr
pip install git+
Here's a simple example of how to use LAMINR to learn and align invariance manifolds.
device = "cuda"
input_shape = [1, 100, 100] # channels, height, width
# Load a trained response-predicting model
from laminr import neuron_models
model = neuron_models.simulated("demo1", img_res=input_shape[1:]).to(device)
# Generate MEIs for the neurons
from laminr import get_mei_dict
image_stat_req = {
"pixel_value_lower_bound": -1,
"pixel_value_upper_bound": 1,
"required_img_norm": 1,
meis_dict = get_mei_dict(model, input_shape, **image_stat_req)
# initialize the invariance learning and matching pipeline
from laminr import InvarianceManifold
inv_manifold = InvarianceManifold(model, meis_dict, **image_stat_req)
# Learn the invariance manifold for neuron 0 (i.e. template manifold)
template_neuron_idx = 0
imgs_on_template_manifold, template_neuron_activations = inv_manifold.learn(template_neuron_idx)
# Align the template to neurons 1 and 2
target_neuron_idxs = [1, 2]
imgs_on_aligned_manifolds, target_neurons_activations = inv_manifold.match(target_neuron_idxs)
If you encounter any issues while using the method, please create an Issue on GitHub.
We welcome and appreciate contributions to the package! Feel free to open an Issue or submit a Pull Request for new features.
For other questions or project collaboration inquiries, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].
This package is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. Briefly:
- Attribution Required: You must credit the original authors and indicate if changes were made.
- NonCommercial Use Only: This package may not be used for commercial purposes without explicit permission.
- No Additional Restrictions: You may not apply legal terms that prevent others from using this package under these terms.
For full details, see the CC BY-NC 4.0 License.
For commercial use inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
ICLR 2025 (Oral): Learning and Aligning Single-Neuron Invariance Manifolds in Visual Cortex
Authors: Mohammad Bashiri*, Luca Baroni*, Ján Antolík, Fabian H. Sinz. (* denotes equal contribution)
Please cite our work if you find it useful:
title={Learning and Aligning Single-Neuron Invariance Manifolds in Visual Cortex},
author={Bashiri, Mohammad and Baroni, Luca and Antolík, Ján and Sinz, Fabian H.},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},