A common toolbar used through OpenClass that is an embeddable javascript widget and backing services.
The toolbar does the following things:
- Understands the institution context of the currently logged in user
- Can accept either a Whittaker or MOAuth token when embeded
- Loads institutional branding CSS
- Conditionally loads the 'Admin' or 'Uber Admin' links based on permissions
- Loads students' course list
- Links to Whittaker Admin
- Conditionally loads Google Docs, Email, Calendar Widgets
- Who's Online and Chat integration
more details ...
The toolbar also provides a public client-side API to do the following:
- Initiate the web-flow
- Get a user's information
- Remove a user
API Details:
startGoogleWebFlow( boolean )
- true: Force the user to authorize their account even if they already have. A new refresh token will also be generated. This should almost always be set to true.
- false: Only generate a new Google access token.
Starts the Google service web-flow. Presents the following results VIA the google-authorization topic using dojo.subscribe
- success - the web-flow was successful and access tokens are stored in chamber and whittaker.
- popup-blocked - user's pop-up blocker blocked the window from opening
- error - an error has occurred, further information is in the data property
var force = true;
var toolbarApi = window.ecollege.toolbar.Toolbar.api;
toolbarApi.startGoogleWebFlow( force );
var msgTokenObj = dojo.subscribe( 'google-authorization', function( message ) {
if( message.status === 'success') {
//do something successful
console.log( message.data );
if( message.status === 'popup-blocked' ) {
console.log( 'Unable to load popup' );
console.log( message.data );
if( message.status === 'error' ) {
console.log( 'An error occurred: ' + message.data || '' );
console.log( 'web-flow completed with error' );
dojo.unsubscribe( msgTokenObj );
} );
- getUser()
Returns the current user information according to the toolbar.
var toolbarApi = window.ecollege.toolbar.Toolbar.api;
var user = {
name: //user's name,
avatar: //user's avatar uri,
email: //user's email,
is_google: //is this a google user? - boolean,
google_type: //domain, consumer, null
- removeUser()
Removes the current user from the chamber service and removes whittaker credentials.
var toolbarApi = window.ecollege.toolbar.Toolbar.api;
var msgRemoveUserObj = dojo.subscribe( 'google-remove', function( message ) {
if( message.status === 'success') {
// Do something successful
else {
console.log('An error occurred' + ( ( (message.data && message.data.error) === 'not-found' ) ? ': user not found' : '' ) );}
} );
dojo.unsubscribe( msgRemoveUserObj );
} );
- reloadCollaborations()
Reloads Collaborations while collaborations is loaded.
var toolbarApi = window.ecollege.toolbar.Toolbar.api;
- getServices()
Returns an array of available web services.
var toolbarApi = window.ecollege.toolbar.Toolbar.api;
[ 'google', 'skype' ]