Squad gear overlay for Fortnite. Automatically gets current squad as you play and overlays their gear in the top-left corner if they're also running it.
Designed for 100% HUD scale at 1080p or 1440p. Functions with other resolutions/scales, but small rounding errors may degrade the experience.
Downloads ~5MB/hr per squadmate and uploads ~5MB/hr. Doesn't download or upload unless Fortnite is open and you're in a party with other players.
Config file is %LOCALAPPDATA%/FortniteOverlay/config.json.
Secret key, upload endpoint, and image location need to be provided by your server host.
- Does not support exclusive fullscreen mode.
- Does not support HDR.
- HUD scale must be set manually.
Test data is located in a submodule. Run git submodule init
and git submodule update
after cloning.