Python-based AI voice assistant that accomplishes tasks for you simply by speaking.
- pyttsx3 (text-to-speech conversion)
- SpeechRecognition (to get command from the user)
- wikipedia (get wikipedia)
- psutil (battery and cpu update)
- pyjokes (who doesn't love jokes xD)
- wikiquote (daily quote)
- pywhatkit (play a youtube video)
- greet you
- tell you the time
- tell you the date
- search a query in wikipedia
- tell you a daily quote
- search query in chrome browser
- send mail
- remember and store data
- remind you
- tell you a joke
- play videos in Youtube
- tell you the weather
- launch your favourite text editor
- open mspaint, word doc, excel sheet, power point
- open your social media handles
- tell you the cpu and battery percentage
- logout, shutdown and restart your system
Happy coding...! 🧡☕