A simple screenshot program, inspired by Greenshot, but each capture method can have individual settings for saving to file, clipboard or editor.
Hotkeys can be changed in Options
Funcion | Default Hotkey |
Region | Printscreen |
Window | Alt + PrintScreen |
Screen | Ctrl + PrintScreen |
All screens | No preset |
Open last folder | No preset |
- Region
- Window
- Screen
- All screens
During region capture, the current screen the mouse cursor is on will display a region selection interface.
Click and drag the mouse to create a selection. This can be refined with the keys shown below.
To confirm the region, press Enter to save to file, C to copy the selection to the clipboard or E to open the selection in the Editor. Press Escape to exit.
If you select the option "Complete capture when releasing mouse", the output is instead decided by the otions for saving to file or clipboard (Options > Modes: Region)
When adjusting the size of the region, arrows will indicate what edges are affected by arrow key presses. When adjusting the position of the region, arrows are shown in all directions.
Enter Save image to file and exit Region capture
C Copy image to clipboard and exit Region capture
E Open the selection in the Editor and exit Region capture
Esc Exit region capture, discard selection
S Size adjustment mode (Default)
P Position adjustment mode
Ctrl+Arrow Key Size adjustemt side selection
Arrow Key Size / Position adjustement
Shift Hold Shift to adjust region by 10 pixels instead of 1
The specified framerate in Options sets the max amount of times per second the region UI will update.
If this is too high, the system can't catch up, and lag may be worse than if you set a lower framerate.
A good system should be able to handle 60fps. Default is 30fps.
(Options > Mode: Region)
Captures the active window. Save to file, open in Editor or copy to clipboard based on options (Options > Modes: Window)
Captures the screen the mouse cursor is currently in. Save to file, open in Editor or copy to clipboard based on options (Options > Modes: Window)
Captures all screen in a single image. Save to file, open in Editor or copy to clipboard based on options (Options > Modes: Window)
When saving to file, the name of the active application, time or incrementing numbers can be included in the file or folder name.
The default file name is "$w $d $t $c", which will output something like "MyWindow 2023-12-31 16:02 003"
$w Active Window title ("Region" or "Screen" is used in those modes)
$d Date in ISO format (2023-12-31)
$t Time
$ms Milliseconds
$c Counter number (auto increments)
$TAG Add tag names, multiple active tags is separated with comma. See "Tags" below
You can also use longer form variables, these are identical to Greenshot's variable format.
${DATE} Date in ISO format (2023-12-31)
${YYYY} Year
${MM} Month number
${DD} Day number
${hh} Hour
${mm} Minute
${ss} Second
${ms} Millisecond
${NUM} Counter number (auto increments)
${title} Active Window title ("Region" or "Screen" is used in those modes)
${user} User account name
${domain} User's domain
${hostname} PC name
The title of the active window when using $w can be adjusted to make file names nicer.
Limits the name length to prevent long file names.
If a window title is dynamically altered by the file it's viewing, extract just the part you're interested in.
Which of the split name element to use is set by the option "Keep split text in index", where 0 is the first element.
Example: "ImageEditor - mypicture.png - v12.2"
Split with " - "
Keep split text in index: 0
Result: $w outputs "ImageEditor"
Keep split text in index: 1
Result: $w outputs "mypicture.png"
If on, this option crops the captured window from top, left, right and bottom.
This can be used to remove the window title bar and edges. In the Windows 11 default theme, values of 32,10,10,10 will remove these.
When using the
Tags are used for adding info to the file or folder name that can be changed on the fly.
To create and enable tags, use the Edit Tags window (Main window > Edit > Edit Tags).
Tags have three parts:
- The checkbox enables the tag
- The Name field is what is output in the $TAG
- The Description field is just for adding an explanatary note to yourself, and is not used in $TAG output
When $TAG is present in the file or folder name setting, any enabled tags will be added in the name. If there are multiple active tag, they are separated with comma.
Note that $TAG variable is all upper case, to distinguish it from the $t Time variable
You have the current tags in the Tag View:
☑ Food
☐ Cars
☑ Recipe
Your folder and file names in settings is:
$d $t $TAG
The resulting output file name:
D:\Captures\WebBrowser\Food, Recipe\2024-05-13 13:44 Food, Recipe.png
If no tags are enabled, a subfolder will not be created even though the \$TAG is present
The available tags are saved in %localappdata%\ScreenShotTool\TagData\tags.txt
You can open an image in the editor by using the Edit menu in the main application window, or when performing a region capture by pressing E.
Select the type of graphic symbol to add from the vertical list on the left. The new symbol will be added with the colors and settings at the top of the window.
You can move, edit and scale symbols after you have placed them by clicking and dragging the symbol, or using the Properties panel on the right.
Keys | Function |
Ctrl+C | Copy the current image or selected region |
Ctrl+V | Paste an image or text into the editor |
Arrow keys | Move the selected symbol(s) around |
Shift + Arrow keys | Move the selected symbol(s) faster |
Shift + drag | Scale proportional or create square symbol |
Ctrl + click | Multi select or deselect symbol |
Home | Move the selected symbol to the front |
End | Move the selected symbol to the back |
Enter | Complete an active crop selection |
Esc / right click | Cancel drawing a symbol |
Delete | Delete selected symbol(s) |
Ctrl+O | Open a file |
Ctrl+S | Save the current image (Save As) |
Ctrl+P | Print the current image |
Keys | Function |
Normal | Image is replaced by the selected color: =C2 |
Multiply | Darkened by the selected color: =C1*C2 |
Divide | Lightened by the selected color: =C1\C2 |
Lighten | Only colors that are darker than color2 are lightened =Max(C1,C2) |
Darken | Only colors that are lighter than color2 are darkened =Min(C1,C2) |
Desaturate | Convert to grayscale, use ""Affect color channel"" to adjust amount |
Invert | Inverts the color |
InvertBrightness | Inverts the brightness, but keeps the hue. Adjust using selected color, More RED for Perceptual Brightness, More GREEN to allowing desaturate towards white |
Contrast | White = full contrast, Gray = normal, Black = no contrast, Selected color hue will have an effect as well |
Start Hidden
Start the application without appearing on screen or on the task bar. Interact with it via the System Tray icon or hotkeys. You can add the application to start automatically by placing a shortcut in the Startup folder: %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
System tray tooltip options will display a notification in the lowe right of the screen when capturing, creating folders, or there's a problem.
Specify the size of the thumbnails used in the application. This does not affect the saved files. "Crop thumbnails" will make the thumbnails retain their aspect ration, but parts of the image are cut in the capture list thumbnail.
Key | Keycode |
0-9 | 0 to 9 |
A-Z | A to Z |
F1-F24 | F1 to F24 |
The BACKSPACE key | Back |
The TAB key | Tab |
The RETURN key | Return |
The ENTER key | Enter |
The PAUSE key | Pause |
The CAPS LOCK key | CapsLock |
The ESC key | Escape |
The SPACEBAR key | Space |
The PAGE UP key | PageUp |
The PAGE DOWN key | PageDown |
The END key | End |
The HOME key | Home |
The LEFT ARROW key | Left |
The UP ARROW key | Up |
The RIGHT ARROW key | Right |
The DOWN ARROW key | Down |
The PRINT SCREEN key | PrintScreen |
The INS key | Insert |
The DEL key | Delete |
The left Windows logo key | LWin |
The right Windows logo key | RWin |
The 0 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad0 |
The 1 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad1 |
The 2 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad2 |
The 3 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad3 |
The 4 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad4 |
The 5 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad5 |
The 6 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad6 |
The 7 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad7 |
The 8 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad8 |
The 9 key on the numeric keypad | NumPad9 |
The Multiply key | Multiply |
The Add key | Add |
The Separator key | Separator |
The Subtract key | Subtract |
The Decimal key | Decimal |
The Divide key | Divide |
The NUM LOCK key | NumLock |
The SCROLL LOCK key | Scroll |
The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard | OemBackslash |
The OEM close bracket key on a US standard keyboard | OemCloseBrackets |
The OEM comma key on any country/region keyboard | Oemcomma |
The OEM minus key on any country/region keyboard | OemMinus |
The OEM open bracket key on a US standard keyboard | OemOpenBrackets |
The OEM period key on any country/egion keyboard | OemPeriod |
The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard | OemPipe |
The OEM plus key on any country/region keyboard | Oemplus |
The OEM question mark key on a US standard keyboard | OemQuestion |
The OEM singled/double quote key on a US standard keyboard | OemQuotes |
The OEM Semicolon key on a US standard keyboard | OemSemicolon |
The OEM tilde key on a US standard keyboard | Oemtilde |