Releases: snu-larr/dual-ur3-env
Releases · snu-larr/dual-ur3-env
Added features:
- Gripper position read/write
- Automatically handle UR3 controller errors
- Auto-reset toggle on/off
- 3D models for collision checking/avoidance
- Minor updates for xml files
- Teleoperation utilities (vpnshift)
- QoL updates for UR logger
- UrDataLog.csv toggle on/off
- DualUR3RealEnv toggle left arm enable/disable
- Additional examples
Sim and real dual-UR3 robot Gym env
UR3 MuJoCo simulation environment from previous release.
UR3 hardware environment implementation based on ur-interface and python-urx package.
For compatibility, both environments (sim and real) mostly share common attributes to minimize environment-specific components. Supports limited functionality: servoj and speedj commands for Universal Robotics UR3 and opening and closing of Robotiq 2F-85 gripper.
Initial release
Basic functionality for dual UR3 MuJoCo environment verified.