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Releases: sol1/icinga-clustergraph


14 Dec 21:26
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Adds links to the endpoint if there is a host match found, if not host match is found the link is a Icinga search for the name (perhaps it will be lucky and find a partial match or something else that matches).

There is a new config option for choosing the UI the links point to, Icingaweb2 or IcingaDB Web.


13 Dec 23:55
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#7 Reduce the payload returned for the host lookup to improve performance


09 Nov 02:45
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This release contains a fixes for

  • #5 Vertical alignment failing on small clusters
  • Endpoint alignment for zones with parents

We also change the node size and colour to make it more visible.

Fix font colors to work with themes

31 Oct 23:46
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FIX: #4 read the navigation's font color to use as the primary font color for zones

Fixups and highlights!

30 Oct 23:39
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@sol1-matt did some great little improvements and now the layout and highlighting is better


24 Oct 00:39
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#2 Added module relative path to api call in case your Icingaweb install doesn't use the standard path.

Restructure and bug fixes

04 Oct 13:20
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With massive contribution from @moreamazingnick we have code more worthy of release. Big thanks to them, and hopefully we can get some more people checking it out.

  • Added more icinga like functions and api calls
  • Bugfixes

v0.0.1 - Clustergraph first release

03 Oct 09:47
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This is the first release, and has a few known issues, but it does work.
Known Issues:

  1. Config doesn't load properly from the config file, so it looks like it doesn't save, but it does actually work.
  2. the CSS and layout of the graphs needs some work, however I need more samples to figure out what looks best.
  3. sometimes the data takes a bit to load, not sure why, refresh a few times and it works.

I welcome feedback and patches.
