A curated list of awesome Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services, Certificate Services, Federation Services, and other related references.
- Blogs
- Certificate Services
- Domain Services
- Entra
- Fundamentals
- PowerShell
- Privileged Access Workstations
- Windows Server
- Reddit /r/activedirectory Resources
- AJ's Tech Chatter
- Alan Burchill
- Carsten Sandker
- Cas van Cooten
- Chris Brown
- Chris Brumm
- Christoffer Andersson
- Core Infra & Sec Blog
- Daniel Chronlund
- Eric Woodruff
- Fabian Bader
- Jake Hildreth
- Jay Paloma
- Jeffrey Appel
- Merill Fernando
- Michael Soule
- Narayanan Subramanian
- Nathan McNulty
- Przemysław Kłys
- Ravenswood
- Robin Granberg
- Ru Campbell
- Ryan Ries
- Sam Erde
- Sean Metcalf
- Steve Syfuhs
- Trimarc
- zer1t0
Active Directory Certificate Services
- Cert Template Storage
- Cert Web Enrollment
- CS Security
- Design Guide
- Ent CA
- Lab Guide
- Locksmith
- PSPKIAudit
- Site Awareness
- TameMyCerts
Active Directory Domain Services
- ACL Visualizer
- ACSC Log Forwarding
- Active Directory Best practices
- Active Directory Health Check: Troubleshooting
- AD Attack & Defense
- AD Checklist
- AD Discovery Checklist
- AD Hardening Series
- AD Technical Reference Collection
- AD Ultimate Reading Collection
- ADACLScanner
- AD-permissions
- ADRecon
- ADSec PowerShell
- Ask DS Archive
- Authentication Policies
- Azure Secure Isolation
- Azure Sentinel Insecure Protocols Workbook Implementation Guide
- Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks
- Best practices for assigning permissions on Active Directory objects
- Best Practices for Securing AD
- Bloodhound
- BlueTuxedo
- CISA Logging Made Easy
- Diagnostic Logging
- Disabling NTLMv1
- EventLogging
- GPOZaurr
- Legacy DOE AD Design
- Location Mapping
- MCM AD Internals
- Microsoft AD DS Tuning
- Microsoft Blue Forest
- Monash EAM
- Palantir Windows Event Forwarding
- Pingcastle
- Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way
- Scheduled Task PowerShell
- ScriptSentry
- SelfADSI
- SS64 Groups
- Sysmon Community Guide
- Sysmon Modular
- System Security Services Daemon
- T0 User Management Scripts
- T0 Windows Admin Center
- Untrusted Regions
- Visual Auditing
- Windows Event Forwarding
- AADAppAudit
- Awesome Entra
- Azure Attack Paths
- Azure Red Team
- CAOptics
- Conditional Access Automation
- Entra Assessment
- Entra Attack & Defense
- Entra Exporter
- Entra ID Governance Training
- Entra Kill Chain
- Entra Tiering
- EntraOps
- M365DSC
- Maester
- Managed Identity Attack Paths
- Modern Authentication Attacks
- Restricted Management Admin Units
- Rogue Office 365 and Azure (active) Directory (ROAD) tools
- Unified Audit Log Policy
- ASD System hardening and administration
- Azure Security Fundamentals
- Emergency Access
- Google On Fire Drills and Phishing Tests
- M365 ZT Mindmaps
- Microsoft App Assure
- Microsoft Gov Compliance
- Microsoft Open Specs
- Microsoft SecCon Framework Legacy
- Microsoft Security Academy
- Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
- Post-Grad AD Studies
- Scream Test Unused Servers
- Unclassified DISA STIGs
- Zero-Trust RAMP Landing Page
Privileged Access Workstations
- Defender Application Control
- Entra Joined Firewall
- Evergreen
- Hardening Kitty
- Intune Maps
- IntuneCD
- Local Sec Group Monitoring
- MDE Tester
- Microsoft Cloud PAW Scripts Legacy
- Microsoft Secured Workstation
- NCSC Windows Device Security Guidance
- Open Intune Baseline
- OSDCloud
- PackageFactory
- PAW Deploy
- PAW Scripts
- Privileged Access Landing Page
- Windows Security Baselines
Windows Server