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Releases: spacestation13/aseprite-dmi


24 Jan 08:04
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New Features

Add a preference menu and 'Auto Overwrite' by @ZeWaka in #1

In the new preference menu, there is an option to automatically overwrite the DMI you have open when saving an iconstate, so you don't have to press the Save button constantly.


Auto Flattening On Save by @ZeWaka in #2

This new enabled by default option automatically flattens any non-directional layers downwards to the closest directional layers when editing a sprite. This lets you take advantage of Aseprite's layer functionality fully. You can turn this off in the preference menu.


Drag & Drop Organization by @ZeWaka in #6

You can now drag and drop iconstates to change the order they appear in the DMI.

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Iconstate Splitting by @ZeWaka in #8

You can now split a multi-directional iconstate into many 1-directional iconstates via the right-click context menu.


Option to open DMIs without the DMI Editor by @ZeWaka in #7

Since the DMI Editor prevents you from opening up DMIs like a traditional spritesheet, this provides a way to open them up. Currently, Aseprite doesn't support keeping the DMI metadata so you'd have to use a tool like to save and re-apply the metadata.


New Contributors

  • @ZeWaka made their first contribution in #1

Full Changelog: v1.0.8...v1.1.0


22 Jan 07:33
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New version of the extension after switching to

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