A PAC-MAN emulator written in Zig to showcase the zig80 library. Requires Zig, zigmod, and SDL2.
usage: pacman [-htda] [-c <ratio>] [-l <num>] [-b <points>] <rom directory>
-h, --help display help and exit
-t, --cocktail cocktail mode - for tabletop play
-c, --coinage <ratio> coins to credits ratio - free, 1:1, 1:2, or 2:1
default: free
-l, --lives <num> number of lives - 1, 2, 3, or 5
default: 3
-b, --bonus <points> extra life bonus - 10k, 15k, 20k, or none
default: 10k
-d, --hard hard mode
-a, --alt-ghost-names alternate ghost names
arrow keys move
wasd move (player two, cocktail mode)
c insert coin
1 start one player game
2 start two player game
p pause game
f1 toggle rack test
f2 toggle service mode
- https://github.com/kuba--/zip/ - zip extraction library used
- https://umlautllama.com/projects/pacdocs/ contains plenty of useful information necessary to create this emulator.