Trip Statistics is a site where you can analyze your Google Maps Location History data and see an overview of where you visited and what you did on your last trip!
- React Frontend
- Python Flask (backend micro web framework)
- SQLite3 / PostgreSQL Databases
- Node
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Google Maps API Integration
- Event listeners and handlers
- jQuery & Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation
- Asynchronous JavaScript with async and await
- User information storage and password encryption using Flask Bcrypt
- User sign up and log in functionality
- Display activity paths on embedded map
- Upload and analyze files of any size
- Filter trip data by time and location
- Ability to share and send trip statistics to friends
- Create trip reports of longest visit, most visited, furthest, time traveling, total distance, etc.
- Pull Google Maps location history data from account with sign-in authorization instead of requiring a JSON file upload