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Publisher: Splunk
Connector Version: 2.2.9
Product Vendor: Google Cloud
Product Name: Chronicle
Minimum Product Version: 6.3.0

This app enables the end-user to search, analyze, and ingest the enterprise security data stored in the Chronicle using investigative, reputation, and ingestion actions

Explanation of the Asset Configuration Parameters

The asset configuration parameters affect [test connectivity] and all the other actions of the application. Below are the explanation and usage of all these parameters.

  • Base URL: The URL used to connect with the Chronicle server. It represents the Chronicle platform's API base URL. Example: The user should not include the API version in this parameter as it would get overridden with the specific API versions for the respective actions. The API versions used for each of the actions are specified in this section .
  • Contents of Service Account JSON File: This file contents will be used to authenticate with the Google APIs.
  • Scope: [""]
  • Number of Retries: The value of this parameter defines the number of attempts for which the action will keep on retrying if the Chronicle API continuously returns the HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error. If the error gets eliminated before the number of retries gets exhausted, then, the action execution will continue along its workflow with the next set of API calls and if the error is still persistent and all the number of retries are exhausted, then, the action will fail with the latest error message being displayed.
  • Retry Wait Period (in seconds): The value of this parameter defines the waiting period in seconds for which to hold the current execution of the action on receiving the HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error and then, retry the same API call after the waiting period is exhausted. This ensures that the integration provides a mechanism of attempting to overcome the HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error.

Service account

This app requires a pre-configured service account to operate. Please follow the procedure outlined at this link to create a service account. At the end of the creation process, the admin console should ask you to save the config as a JSON file. Copy the contents of the JSON file in the clipboard and paste it as the value of the "Contents of Service Account JSON file" asset configuration parameter. Or else Your Customer Experience Engineer (CEE) will provide you with a Google Developer Service Account Credential to enable the Google API client to communicate with the Chronicle API. Copy the contents of the JSON file in the clipboard and paste it as the value of the "Contents of Service Account JSON file" asset configuration parameter.

For more details visit the below-listed links:

API Versions used in the actions

  • Search API

    • This API uses /v1 endpoint. The actions using this API are as follows:
      • List Alerts
      • List Assets
      • List Events
      • List IoCs
      • List IoC Details
      • Domain Reputation
      • IP Reputation
  • Detection Engine API

    • This API uses /v2 endpoint. The actions using this API are as follows:
      • List Rules
      • List Detections

Explanation of the Chronicle Actions' Parameters

  • Test Connectivity (Action Workflow Details)

    • This action will test the connectivity of the Phantom server to the Chronicle instance by making an initial API call to the ListIoCs endpoint using the provided asset configuration parameters.

    • The action validates the provided asset configuration parameters. Based on the API call response, the appropriate success and failure message will be displayed when the action gets executed.

    • Note:

      • There are a total of 8 reputation-related asset configuration parameters and 7 on poll action-related asset configuration parameters that are not validated while running test connectivity for optimum performance and are only validated in their respective actions. You can find more details about these parameters in their respective section of the action.
  • List Assets

    • Action Parameter: Artifact Indicator

      • The Artifact Indicator parameter enables search by selecting anyone from given artifact indicators.

      • Valid Values:

        • Domain Name
        • Destination IP Address
        • MD5 File Hash
        • SHA1 File Hash
        • SHA256 File Hash
    • Action Parameter: Value

      • The user can provide artifact value into the Value action parameter.
    • Action Parameter: Time Range

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • User can provide time using this '<digit><d/h/m/s>' time format. Here, d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds.
      • Note: The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified time range. The end time will be present time and according to the specified time range, the start time will be calculated for the search.
    • Action Parameters: Start Time and End Time

      • These parameters will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • Users can provide time using this 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' time format. Here, y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds.
      • Note: The number of returned assets can be reduced over a shorter period using these parameters.
    • Action Parameter: Limit

      • This parameter is used to limit the number of assets results to return.
      • The user can specify between 1 and 10,000. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 assets results.
    • Note:

      • If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days.
      • If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.
    • Example:

      • Get a list of assets that accessed the specified domain artifact
        • Artifact Indicator = Domain Name
        • Value =
        • Start Time = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • End Time = 1970-01-10T00:00:00Z
      • Fetch assets results for the IP artifact for the last three days (Here, the Present time is 2020-01-03T00:00:00Z)
        • Artifact Indicator = Destination IP Address
        • Value =
        • Time Range = 3d
      • Filtering assets results based on the specifying time range for the IP artifact
        • Artifact Indicator = Destination IP Address
        • Value =
        • Start Time = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • End Time = 1970-01-05T00:00:00Z
  • List Alerts

    • Action Parameter: Time Range

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • User can provide time using this '<digit><d/h/m/s>' time format. Here, d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds.
      • Note: The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified time range. The end time will be present time and according to the specified time range, the start time will be calculated for the search.
    • Action Parameters: Start Time and End Time

      • These parameters will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • Users can provide time using this 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' time format. Here, y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds.
      • Note: The number of returned alerts can be reduced over a shorter period using these parameters.
    • Action Parameter: Limit

      • This parameter is used to limit the number of alerts results to return.
      • The user can specify between 1 and 10,000. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 alerts results.
    • Action Parameter: Alert Type

      • This parameter will be used to fetch alerts of a particular type. Its default value is 'All'.

      • Valid Values:

        • Asset Alerts
        • User Alerts
        • All
    • Note:

      • If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days.
      • If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.
      • If the Alert Type is selected to 'All' then, based on the selected type, the limit parameter will result in fetching those many (or less if not that many asset alerts present) asset alerts as well as those many (or less if not that many user alerts present) user alerts in the output. But due to the known API limitation, the results returned by the API for the asset and user alerts are not consistent with the provided page_size attribute in the API call.
      • Due to the above-mentioned API limitation, the number of asset alerts being returned (when the selected Alert Type is 'Asset Alerts' or 'All') and the number of user alerts being returned (when the selected Alert Type is 'User Alerts' or 'All') will be inconsistent with the Limit action parameter, i.e., the user can receive less or more number of alerts than the specified limit.
    • Example:

      • Get a list of security alerts for the last three days (Here, the Present time is 2020-01-03T00:00:00Z)
        • Time Range= 3d
      • Get a list of security alerts for the specified time
        • Start Time= 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • End Time= 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
      • Get a list of all alerts for the default time range, i.e., last three days
        • Alert Type= All
        • Limit= 50
  • List Events

    • Action Parameter: Asset Indicator

      • The Asset Indicator parameter enables search by selecting anyone from given asset indicators.

      • Valid Values:

        • Hostname
        • Asset IP Address
        • MAC Address
        • Product ID
    • Action Parameter: Value

      • The user can provide asset value into the Value action parameter.
    • Action Parameter: Time Range

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • User can provide time using this '<digit><d/h/m/s>' time format. Here, d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds.
      • Note: The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified time range. The end time will be present time and according to the specified time range, the start time will be calculated for the search.
    • Action Parameters: Start Time and End Time

      • These parameters will be used for specifying the time range of the search. The user specifies the time for the asset you are investigating using the reference time action parameter
      • Users can provide time using this 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' time format. Here, y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds.
      • Note: The number of returned events can be reduced over a shorter period using these parameters.
    • Action Parameter: Limit

      • This parameter is used to limit the number of events results to return.
      • The user can specify between 1 and 10,000. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 events results.
    • Note:

      • If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days.
      • If the [Reference Time] action parameter is not given, the action will consider the start time as reference time. And if the value is given for it, the value will be validated and used in the search request.
      • If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.
    • Example:

      • Get a list of events discovered on the specified Hostname asset
        • Asset Indicator = Hostname
        • Value = franklin-guzman-laptop
        • Start Time = 2019-11-01T20:37:00Z
        • End Time = 2019-11-02T20:37:00Z
        • Reference Time = 2019-11-02T20:37:00Z
      • Filtering events results for the specified Asset IP Address for the last three days (Here, the Present time is 2020-01-03T00:00:00Z)
        • Asset Indicator = Asset IP Address
        • Value =
        • Time Range = 3d
      • Filtering events results based on the specifying time range for the specified Asset IP Address.
        • Asset Indicator = Asset IP Address
        • Value =
        • Start Time = 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • End Time = 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • Reference Time = 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • List IoCs

    • Action Parameter: Time Range

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • User can provide time using this '<digit><d/h/m/s>' time format. Here, d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds.
      • Note: The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified time range. The end time will be present time and according to the specified time range, the start time will be calculated for the search.
    • Action Parameters: Start Time

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the start time of the search.
      • Users can provide time using this 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' time format. Here, y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds.
      • Note: IoCs returned by this method are the IoCs that were discovered by Chronicle within the specified time range in the enterprise environment. There might be IoCs within your data that were present prior to their discovery by the Chronicle.
    • Action Parameter: Limit

      • This parameter is used to limit the number of IoCs results to return.
      • The user can specify between 1 and 10,000. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 IoCs results.
    • Note:

      • If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days.
      • If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.
    • Example:

      • Get a list of all of the possible IoC discovered within the enterprise for the last three days (Here, the Present time is 2020-01-03T00:00:00Z)
        • Time Range= 3d
      • Get a list of all of the possible IoC discovered within the enterprise starting from the specified time.
        • Start Time= 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • List IoC Details

    • Action Parameter: Artifact Indicator

      • The Artifact Indicator parameter enables search by selecting anyone from given artifact indicators.

      • Valid Values:

        • Domain Name
        • Destination IP Address
    • Action Parameter: Value

      • The user can provide artifact value into the Value action parameter.
    • Example:

      • Fetch threat intelligence associated with the specific domain artifact
        • Artifact Indicator = Domain Name
        • Value =
      • Fetch threat intelligence associated with the specific IP artifact
        • Artifact Indicator = Destination IP Address
        • Value =
  • Domain Reputation

    • Reputation Decision Algorithm

      • There is a total of 8 asset configuration parameters that will use in this algorithm. These parameter values will be used for deriving anyone of reputation from 'Malicious', 'Suspicious', and 'Unknown' for the specified artifact. Chronicle provides details about the Domain/IP which includes Categories, Severity, and Confidence Score. The reputation calculation can be controlled using these 3 properties. Here, 'Malicious' reputation has higher priority over 'Suspicious' reputation which means if any of the details of the sources of the retrieved domain IoC from search falls under the 'Malicious' criteria, then, reputation will be defined as 'Malicious' and won't check for the 'Suspicious' criteria. If the retrieved IoC doesn't fall under any one of the criteria configured for 'Malicious' and 'Suspicious', then, reputation will be derived as 'Unknown'.
    • Action Parameter: Domain Name

      • This parameter will be used to specify the value of the domain artifact for search. It is a required action parameter.
    • Asset Configuration Parameters: Malicious categories for reputation, Malicious severity for reputation, Malicious Str Confidence score for reputation, and Malicious Int Confidence score for reputation

      • These parameters will be used for deriving the 'Malicious' reputation for the specified artifact. Chronicle provides details about the IoC which includes Categories, Severity, and Confidence Score. The reputation calculation can be controlled using these 3 properties. Using the values of these parameters, if any of the details of the sources of retrieved domain IoC from search falls under these values, then, reputation will be derived as a 'Malicious'. You can identify this in the action output data path as this action will set the value of reputation datapath to 'Malicious'.
    • Asset Configuration Parameters: Suspicious categories for reputation, Suspicious severity for reputation, Suspicious Str Confidence score for reputation, and Suspicious Int Confidence score for reputation

      • These parameters will be used for deriving the 'Suspicious' reputation for the specified artifact. Chronicle provides details about the IoC which includes Categories, Severity, and Confidence Score. The reputation calculation can be controlled using these 3 properties. Using the values of these parameters, if any of the details of the sources of retrieved domain IoC from search falls under these values, then, reputation will be derived as a 'Suspicious'. You can identify this in the action output data path as this action will set the value of reputation datapath to 'Suspicious'.
    • Note:

      • Using the values of asset configuration parameters, if retrieved IoC from search does not fall under any of the values, then, reputation will be derived as an 'Unknown'. You can identify this in the action output data path as this action will set the value of reputation datapath to 'Unknown'.
      • If the user doesn't configure any values for these asset configuration parameters, reputation will be derived as an 'Unknown'.
      • If the search will not retrieve any of the sources for a specified domain artifact, then, reputation will be derived as an 'Unknown'.
      • Here, 'Malicious' reputation has higher priority over 'Suspicious' reputation which means if any of the details of the sources of the retrieved domain IoC from search falls under the 'Malicious' criteria, then, reputation will be defined as 'Malicious' and won't check for the 'Suspicious' criteria.
    • Example:

      • Derive reputation of threat intelligence associated with the specific domain artifact
        • Domain Name = (Action parameter)

        • Malicious severity for reputation = ["High", "Medium"] (Asset configuration parameter)

        • Sample response for this search:

              "sources": [
                      "sourceUrl": "........",
                      "confidenceScore": {
                          "strRawConfidenceScore": "30"
                      "rawSeverity": "Medium",
                      "category": ".......",
                      "addresses": [......],
        • Reputation will be defined as 'Malicious' as retrieved IoC from search has 'Medium' rawSeverity in its sources.

  • IP Reputation

    • Reputation Decision Algorithm

      • There is a total of 8 asset configuration parameters that will use in this algorithm. These parameter values will be used for deriving anyone of reputation from 'Malicious', 'Suspicious', and 'Unknown' for the specified artifact. Chronicle provides details about the Domain/IP which includes Categories, Severity, and Confidence Score. The reputation calculation can be controlled using these 3 properties. Here, 'Malicious' reputation has higher priority over 'Suspicious' reputation which means if any of the details of the sources of the retrieved IP IoC from search falls under the 'Malicious' criteria, then, reputation will be defined as 'Malicious' and won't check for the 'Suspicious' criteria. If the retrieved IoC doesn't fall under any one of the criteria configured for 'Malicious' and 'Suspicious', then, reputation will be derived as 'Unknown'.
    • Action Parameter: Destination IP Address

      • This parameter will be used to specify the value of the IP artifact for search. It is a required action parameter.
    • Asset Configuration Parameters: Malicious categories for reputation, Malicious severity for reputation, Malicious Str Confidence score for reputation, and Malicious Int Confidence score for reputation

      • These parameters will be used for deriving the 'Malicious' reputation for the specified artifact. Chronicle provides details about the IoC which includes Categories, Severity, and Confidence Score. The reputation calculation can be controlled using these 3 properties. Using the values of these parameters, if any of the details of the sources of retrieved IP IoC from search falls under these values, then, reputation will be derived as a 'Malicious'. You can identify this in the action output data path as this action will set the value of reputation datapath to 'Malicious'.
    • Asset Configuration Parameters: Suspicious categories for reputation, Suspicious severity for reputation, Suspicious Str Confidence score for reputation, and Suspicious Int Confidence score for reputation

      • These parameters will be used for deriving the 'Suspicious' reputation for the specified artifact. Chronicle provides details about the IoC which includes Categories, Severity, and Confidence Score. The reputation calculation can be controlled using these 3 properties. Using the values of these parameters, if any of the details of the sources of retrieved IP IoC from search falls under these values, then, reputation will be derived as a 'Suspicious'. You can identify this in the action output data path as this action will set the value of reputation datapath to 'Suspicious'.
    • Note:

      • Using the values of asset configuration parameters, if retrieved IoC from search does not fall under any of the values, then, reputation will be derived as an 'Unknown'. You can identify this in the action output data path as this action will set the value of reputation datapath to 'Unknown'.
      • If the user doesn't configure any values for these asset configuration parameters, reputation will be derived as an 'Unknown'.
      • If the search will not retrieve any of the sources for specified IP artifact, then, reputation will be derived as an 'Unknown'.
      • Here, 'Malicious' reputation has higher priority over 'Suspicious' reputation which means if any of the details of the sources of the retrieved IP IoC from search falls under the 'Malicious' criteria, then, reputation will be defined as 'Malicious' and won't check for the 'Suspicious' criteria.
    • Example:

      • Derive reputation of threat intelligence associated with the specific domain artifact
        • Destination IP Address = (Action parameter)

        • Suspicious Int Confidence Score Range for Reputation = 10,30 (Asset configuration parameter)

        • Sample response for this search:

              "sources": [
                      "sourceUrl": "........",
                      "confidenceScore": {
                          "strRawConfidenceScore": "21"
                      "rawSeverity": "Low",
                      "category": "........",
                      "addresses": [......],
        • Reputation will be defined as 'Suspicious' as retrieved IoC from search has 21 strRawConfidenceScore in its sources which lies between the 10 and 30.

  • List Rules

    • Action Parameter: Limit

      • This parameter will be used to limit the number of rules to return.
      • The user can specify a valid non-zero integer. The default value is 1000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 1000 rules.
    • Example:

      • Get a list of 200 rules within the enterprise.
        • Limit= 200
  • List Detections

    • Action Parameter: Rule ID(s)

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the comma-separated rule ID(s) of which the detections will be fetched.
      • The user can specify rule ID(s) as a comma-separated list. The rule ID(s) can be provided with or without version ID appended to it.
    • Action Parameter: Alert State

      • This parameter will be used for specifying whether to filter the detections based on whether they are ALERTING or NOT_ALERTING. Its default value is ALL.

      • Valid Values:

        • ALERTING
        • NOT_ALERTING
        • ALL
    • Action Parameter: Time Range

      • This parameter will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • User can provide time using this '<digit><d/h/m/s>' time format. Here, d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds.
      • Note: The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified time range. The end time will be present time and according to the specified time range, the start time will be calculated for the search.
    • Action Parameters: Start Time and End Time

      • These parameters will be used for specifying the time range of the search.
      • Users can provide time using this 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' time format. Here, y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds.
      • Note: The number of returned detections can be reduced over a shorter period using these parameters.
    • Action Parameter: Limit

      • This parameter is used to limit the number of detections to return per rule ID.
      • The user can specify a valid non-zero integer. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 detections.
    • Note:

      • If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days.
      • If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.
      • Due to the API limitation, the action may encounter an HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error for the Rule ID(s) with a large number of detections. These Rule ID(s) will be stored in the*.rule_ids_with_partial_detections.*.rule_id datapath. The partially fetched detections will be displayed in the action output.
    • Example:

      • Get a list of 200 detections of ALERTING type for the ruleId, ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d, discovered within the enterprise for the last three days.
        • Rule IDs= ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d
        • Alert State= ALERTING
        • Time Range= 3d
        • Limit= 200
      • Get a list of 100 detections of NOT_ALERTING type for the ruleIds, ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d and ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000, discovered within a specified Start Time and End Time.
        • Rule IDs= ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d, ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000
        • Alert State= NOT_ALERTING
        • Start Time= 2019-11-01T20:37:00Z
        • End Time= 2021-02-01T20:37:00Z
        • Limit= 100

On Poll

  • What is On Poll

    • It will ingest data from the external system into the phantom server in the form of containers and artifacts. There are two approaches to polling which are mentioned below.

      • POLL NOW (Manual polling)

        • It will fetch the data every time as per the corresponding asset configuration parameters. It doesn't store the last run context of the fetched data. The corresponding asset configuration parameters for the POLL NOW are the Time range for POLL NOW, Max results for POLL NOW.
      • Scheduled/Interval Polling

        • Scheduled Polling: The ingestion action can be triggered at every specified timestamp interval.
        • Interval Polling: The ingestion action can be triggered at every time range interval.
        • It will fetch the data every time as per the corresponding asset configuration parameters based on the stored context from the previous ingestion run. It stores the last run context of the fetched data. It starts fetching data based on the combination of the values of stored context for the previous ingestion run and the corresponding asset configuration parameters having higher priority. The corresponding asset configuration parameters for the scheduled/interval polling are the Start time for scheduled/interval POLL, Max results for scheduled/interval POLL.
  • Containers and Artifacts creation

    • We have configured eight ingestion run modes which you can select from the [Ingestion Run Mode] asset configuration parameters. Below are the eight modes

      • IoC Domain Matches: It will ingest only the domain IoCs discovered within the enterprise.
      • Assets with Alerts: It will ingest only the 3rd party security asset alerts tracked within the enterprise.
      • User Alerts: It will ingest only the 3rd party security user alerts tracked within the enterprise.
      • All Alerts: It will ingest only the 3rd party security alerts (asset alerts and security alerts) tracked within the enterprise.
      • Alerting Detections: It will ingest only the alerting detections, for the specified Rule ID(s), tracked within the enterprise.
      • Not-alerting Detections: It will ingest only the not-alerting detections, for the specified Rule ID(s), tracked within the enterprise.
      • All Detections: It will ingest all the detections (alerting and not-alerting), for the specified Rule ID(s), tracked within the enterprise.
      • All: It will ingest all the 3rd party security asset alerts, user alerts, alerting detections, not_alerting detections and domain IoCs tracked/discovered within the enterprise.
    • Container

      • A container is a composite object that consists of one or more artifacts that can be automated. Containers are the top-level data structure that Playbooks operate on. Every container has a common header, and beneath that, the ability to store arbitrary less structured JSON.
    • Artifacts

      • Artifacts are objects that are associated with a Container and serve as corroboration or evidence related to the Container.
    • For the security alerts (asset alerts and user alerts), IoCs and detections (Alerting and Not-alerting) data which we are fetching will be ingested in the form of groups of entities(five groups; one for each of the ingestion run mode) with the group getting created as a container and entities getting created as artifacts in the respective container. Below is the explanation based on the ingestion run mode for that.

      • IoC Domain Matches

        In this mode, one container will be created for the domain IoC matches.

        • Container 1 :- IoC Domain Matches - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched IOC data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. IoC Domain Matches - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • Assets with Alerts

        In this mode, one container will be created for 3rd party security asset alerts.

        • Container 1 :- Asset with Alerts - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched security asset alerts data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Asset with Alerts - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • User Alerts

        In this mode, one container will be created for 3rd party security user alerts.

        • Container 1 :- User Alerts - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched security user alerts data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. User Alerts - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • Alerting Detections

        In this mode, one container will be created for the detections having alertState as 'ALERTING'.

        • Container 1 :- Alerting Detections - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched alerting detections data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Alerting Detections - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • Not-alerting Detections

        In this mode, one container will be created for the detections having alertState as 'NOT_ALERTING'.

        • Container 1 :- Not-alerting Detections - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched alerting detections in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Not-alerting Detections - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • All Alerts

        For this mode, two containers will be created for each type of data. One container will be created for the security asset alerts data and another container will be created for the security user alerts.

        • Container 1 :- Assets with Alerts - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched security asset alerts data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Asset with Alerts - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        • Container 2 :- User Alerts - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched security user alerts data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. User Alerts - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • All Detections

        For this mode, two containers will be created for each type of data. One container will be created for the Alerting Detections and another container will be created for the Not-alerting Detections.

        • Container 1 :- Alerting Detections - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched alerting detections data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Alerting Detections - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        • Container 2 :- Not-alerting Detections - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched not-alerting detections in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Not-alerting Detections - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • All

        For this mode, five containers will be created for each type of data.

        • Container 1 :- IoC Domain Matches - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched IoC data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. IoC Domain Matches - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        • Container 2 :- Asset with Alerts - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched security asset alerts data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Asset with Alerts - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        • Container 3 :- User Alerts - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched security user alerts data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. User Alerts - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        • Container 4 :- Alerting Detections - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched alerting detections data in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Alerting Detections - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        • Container 5 :- Not-alerting Detections - creation_timestamp

          • This container will be used to store fetched not-alerting detections in the form of artifacts. The container will be saved with a creation timestamp in its name e.g. Not-alerting Detections - 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    • To make ingested data more manageable in the containers and artifacts, we have provided the configuration parameter to specify the maximum allowed artifacts in the single container. I.e. [Max allowed artifacts in a single container]

  • Stored Context

    • It is the concept of storing the context of the previous ingestion run. This concept will be used in the scheduled/interval polling. It will use the state file to store the last run context. This state file will be created for the created asset for the application on the phantom platform.

      • State file location:

        • For non-NRI Instances: /opt/phantom/local_data/app_states/8925dbb5-abe1-4e5d-b053-326e35e1e194
        • For NRI Instances: /home/phanru/phantomcyber/local_data/app_states/8925dbb5-abe1-4e5d-b053-326e35e1e194
      • The default format of state file: {"app_version": "2.0.0"}

  • Parameters

    • Manual Polling - Poll Now

      It will fetch the data every time as per the corresponding asset configuration parameters. It doesn't store the last run context of the fetched data. The corresponding asset configuration parameters for the POLL NOW are the [Time range for POLL NOW], [Max results for POLL NOW].

      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Time range for POLL NOW

        This is an optional parameter. This parameter will be used to specify the time range for the search in the manual polling. Possible values format: 'start_time, end_time' or <digit><d/h/m/s> or 'start_time' where d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds. If the value is not given, the value will be considered as 3d(means the last three days).

        • Format 1 - 'start_time, end_time'

          • Using this format you can provide start time and end time both for a specified time. You can provide time using this 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' time format. Here, y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds. E.g. 2020-03-20T00:00:00Z, 2020-06-20T00:00:00Z
        • Format 2 - <digit><d/h/m/s>

          • Using this format you can informally provide a time. For example, 3d = 3 Days, 3m = 3 Minutes. The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified value. The end time will be present time and according to the specified time range, the start time will be calculated for the search. E.g. 10d
        • Format 3 - 'start_time'

          • Using this format you can provide start time only. The end time will be considered as the present time. E.g. 2020-03-20T00:00:00Z
      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Max results for POLL NOW

        This is an optional parameter. This parameter is used to specify the maximum number of results to return from API calls in the manual polling. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 results. Example:

        • Run the manual poll for 'All' ingestion run mode for the last ten days.

          • Time range for POLL NOW = 10d
          • Max results for POLL NOW = 10000
          • Ingestion Run Mode = All
    • Scheduled/Interval Polling

      It will fetch the data every time as per the corresponding asset configuration parameters based on the stored context from the previous ingestion run. It stores the last run context of the fetched data. It starts fetching data based on the combination of the values of stored context for the previous ingestion run and the corresponding asset configuration parameters having higher priority. The corresponding asset configuration parameters for the scheduled/interval polling are the [Start time for scheduled/interval POLL], [Max results for scheduled/interval POLL].

      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Start time for scheduled/interval POLL

        This parameter will be used to specify the start time for the search. Possible values format: 'start_time' or <digit><d/h/m/s> where d = Day, h = Hour, m = Minutes, and s = Seconds.

        • Format 1 - <digit><d/h/m/s>

          • Using this format you can informally provide a time. For example, 3d = 3 Days, 3m = 3 Minutes. The Start time and End time will be calculated using the specified value. The end time will be present time and according to the specified value, the start time will be calculated for the search. E.g. 10d
        • Format 2 - 'start_time'

          • Using this format you can provide start time only. The end time will be considered as the present time. E.g. 2020-03-20T00:00:00Z
      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Max results for scheduled/interval POLL

        This is an optional parameter. This parameter is used to specify the maximum number of results to return from API calls. The default value is 10,000. If the limit is not provided, it will fetch by default 10,000 results. Example:

        • Run the Scheduled poll for 'All' ingestion run mode for the last three days.

          • Start time for scheduled/interval POLL = 3d
          • Max results for scheduled/interval POLL = 10000
          • Ingestion Run Mode = All
      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Backdate Start Time in minutes (for scheduled polling)

        This is an optional parameter. This parameter is used to backdate the start time for 'Assets with Alerts', 'User Alerts', 'Alerting Detections', 'Not-alerting detections', 'All Alerts', 'All Detections', and 'All' run modes. This parameter can be used to prevent (or minimize) the late-breaking for the mentioned run modes. The default value is 15 minutes (15m). Example:

        • Run the Scheduled poll for the last three days with backdate start time set to 15 minutes.

          • Start time for scheduled/interval POLL = 3d
          • Backdate Start Time in minutes (for scheduled polling) = 15m
          • Ingestion Run Mode = All
      • Stored Context - State file intervention

        The state file will be used to save the last run context. For the first run, the state is mentioned below. Hence, the action will run as the provided asset configuration parameters. After performing the first run, the action will save the individual last run context for the IoC, Asset Alerts, User Alerts, Alerting Detection, and Not-alerting Detection for the scheduled/interval polling.

        • State file without the stored context of the previous run: {"app_version": "2.0.0"}
        • State file with the stored context of the previous run:
              "app_version": "2.0.0",
              "last_run_ioc_time": "2020-01-03T00:00:00Z",
              "last_run_alert_time": "2020-01-03T00:00:00Z",
              "last_run_user_alert_time": "2020-01-03T00:00:00Z",
              "last_run_alerting_detection_time": "2020-01-03T00:00:00Z",
              "last_run_not_alerting_detection_time": "2020-01-03T00:00:00Z"
    • Common Asset parameters

      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Alert Severity (JSON formatted list)

        This parameter will be used to filter fetched security asset alerts data based on the alert severity. It is an optional parameter. This action will ingest only those alerts which have specified severity. If the value is not provided, it will ingest all fetched data into the container. This parameter will be validated and used only when the ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Alerts', or 'Assets with Alerts'.

      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Max allowed artifacts in a single container

        This is an optional parameter. This parameter is used to specify the maximum allowed artifacts in a single container to ingest. The default value is 10,000. If the value is not provided, it will set it to 10,000 by default. If the container limit is exhausted, this action will create a new container with a creation timestamp and start ingestion in it.

      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Fetch all live rules created in the Detection Engine

        This parameter will be used to fetch the (alerting and not-alerting) detections. If this parameter is set to true (or checked), then the action will first fetch all the rules and fetch the detections for the live rules. If the value is set to false (or unchecked), then the detections will be fetched based on the Comma-separated Rule ID(s) (with or without versionId) for fetching the detections asset configuration parameter. This parameter will be used only when the ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Detections', 'Alerting Detections', or 'Not-alerting Detections'.

      • Asset Configuration Parameter - Comma-separated Rule ID(s) (with or without versionId) for fetching the detections

        This parameter will be used to fetch the (alerting and not-alerting) detections. It is an optional parameter. The detections will be fetched for the provided Rule ID(s). The user can provide multiple values in the form of a comma-separated string. If the value is not provided and Fetch all live rules created in the Detection Engine asset configuration parameter is set to true, it will ingest detections for all the live rules. This parameter will be validated and used only when the ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Detections', 'Alerting Detections', or 'Not-alerting Detections'.

      • Note:

        • For Scheduled/Interval Polling, if the user adds a new Rule ID to the existing list of Rule IDs, the On Poll action will be triggered, for all the current Rule IDs (including the newly added Rule ID), with the last run context of the previous scheduled/interval run. This may lead to the data loss of the detections of the newly added Rule ID. To overcome this issue, user can perform any one of the following options:

          • Create a new asset and configure it with the required Rule ID(s).
          • Reset the state file mentioned in this section .

        Manual Polling (POLL NOW)

        • In this case, every time the action will create a new container. If the fetched data has more data than the specified value of 'Max allowed artifacts in a single container', it will create multiple containers to ingest data as it satisfies the maximum allowed artifacts limit in a single container.

        Scheduled/Interval Polling The action will determine the run whether is the first run or not based on the stored context for scheduled/interval polling.

        • For the first ingestion run for Scheduled/Interval polling

          • In this case, every time the action will create a new container. If the fetched data has more data than the specified value of [Max allowed artifacts in a single container], it will create multiple containers to ingest data as it satisfies the maximum allowed artifacts limit in a single container.
        • For the subsequent ingestion run for Scheduled/Interval polling

          • In this case, there three possible ways to ingest artifacts into the container.

            • Container does not exist: In this way, the action will create a new container and start ingesting artifacts in it.
            • Container already exists and having a sufficient margin for artifacts creation: In this way, the action will ingest artifacts into the already existing container.
            • Container already exists and not having sufficient margin: In this way, the action will ingest artifacts into the already existing container until the limit is reached, then, the action will create a new container and start ingesting artifacts in it.
  • Sample of Ingested Artifacts

    There are a total of two types of artifacts getting ingested into the phantom server which are mentioned below.

    • Alert Artifact

      This artifact will be created when ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Alerts', or 'Assets with Alerts'. This artifact will be ingested into the separate container named 'Assets with Alerts <creation_timestamp>'.

      • Sample response of the ListAlerts endpoint which is used to fetch the alerts data:

            "asset": {
              "hostname": "mary-gonzalez-laptop"
            "alertInfos": [
                "name": "if match then match [1]",
                "sourceProduct": "Rule Generated Alert [456def]",
                "severity": "High",
                "timestamp": "2020-01-27T22:07:12Z",
                "rawLog": "...",
                "uri": ["..."]
      • Sample 'Alert artifact' which gets created from the received response:

            "cef": {
              "assetIndicator": "hostname",
              "assetValue": "mary-gonzalez-laptop",
              "alertName": "if match then match [1]",
              "sourceProduct": "Rule Generated Alert [456def]"
              "severity": "High",
              "timestamp": "2020-01-27T22:07:12Z",
              "rawLog": "..."
              "uri": "...",
    • User Alert Artifact

      This artifact will be created when ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Alerts' or User Alerts'. This artifact will be ingested into the separate container named User Alerts <creation_timestamp>'.

      • Sample response of the ListAlerts endpoint which is used to fetch the user alerts data:

            "user": {
              "email": "[email protected]"
            "alertInfos": [
                "name": "Unspecified",
                "sourceProduct": "Office 365",
                "timestamp": "2020-09-07T19:46:44Z",
                "rawLog": "...",
                "uri": ["..."]
      • Sample 'User Alert artifact' which gets created from the received response:

            "cef": {
              "userIndicator": "email",
              "userValue": "[email protected]",
              "alertName": "Unspecified",
              "sourceProduct": "Office 365",
              "timestamp": "2020-09-07T19:46:44Z",
              "rawLog": "...",
              "uri": "..."
    • IoC Domain Artifact

      This artifact will be created when ingestion run mode is either 'All' or 'IoC Domain Matches'. This artifact will be ingested into the separate container named 'IoC Domain Matches <creation_timestamp>'.

      • Sample response of the ListIoCs endpoint which is used to fetch the IoCs data:
            "artifact": {
              "domainName": ""
            "firstSeenTime": "2018-11-05T12:00:57Z",
            "iocIngestTime": "2018-07-21T20:00:00Z",
            "uri": ["..."],
            "lastSeenTime": "2020-03-23T23:51:00.241330Z",
            "sources": [
                "category": "IP Check Services",
                "source": "ET Intelligence Rep List",
                "rawSeverity": "Info",
                "confidenceScore": {
                  "normalizedConfidenceScore": "Medium",
                  "intRawConfidenceScore": 0
      • Sample 'IoC Domain artifact' which gets created from the received response:
            "cef": {
              "artifactIndicator": "domainName",
              "artifactValue": "",
              "category": "IP Check Services",
              "rawSeverity": "Info",
              "normalizedConfidenceScore": "Medium",
              "iocIngestTime": "2018-07-21T20:00:00Z",
              "uri": "...",
              "lastSeenTime": "2020-03-23T23:51:00.241330Z",
              "sources": "ET Intelligence Rep List",
              "firstSeenTime": "2018-11-05T12:00:57Z",
              "intRawConfidenceScore": "0",
              "rawJSON": "{\"artifact\": {\"domainName\": \"\"}, \"sources\": [{\"source\": \"ET Intelligence Rep List\", \"confidenceScore\": {\"normalizedConfidenceScore\": \"Medium\", \"intRawConfidenceScore\": 0}, \"rawSeverity\": \"Info\", \"category\": \"IP Check Services\"}], \"iocIngestTime\": \"2018-07-21T20:00:00Z\", \"firstSeenTime\": \"2018-11-05T12:00:57Z\", \"lastSeenTime\": \"2020-03-23T23:51:00.241330Z\", \"uri\": [\"...\"]}"
        NOTE - Here, the category, sources, rawSeverity, normalizedConfidenceScore, intRawConfidenceScore keys of the IoC Domain Artifact are the details of IoC sources and it has comma-separated string datatype. There are chances to retrieved multiple sources for a single IoC so that to club all the details in the single key make all these keys as a comma-separated string.
    • Alerting Detection Artifact

      This artifact will be created when ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Detections' or 'Alerting Detections'. This artifact will be ingested into the separate container named 'Alerting Detections <creation_timestamp>'.

      • Sample response of the ListDetections endpoint which is used to fetch the Alerting Detections data:

            "type": "RULE_DETECTION",
            "detection": [
                "ruleName": "ms_office_to_suspicious_url",
                "urlBackToProduct": "...",
                "uri": ["..."],
                "ruleId": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c",
                "ruleVersion": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c@v_1601246241_474367000",
                "alertState": "ALERTING",
                "ruleType": "MULTI_EVENT",
                "detectionFields": [
                    "key": "hostname",
                    "value": "betty-decaro-pc"
            "createdTime": "2020-10-04T20:11:35.159233Z",
            "id": "de_f3769bfc-7cfc-43c7-bca2-5e9b413c63c2",
            "timeWindow": {
              "startTime": "2020-10-04T17:34:48Z",
              "endTime": "2020-10-04T17:35:48Z"
            "collectionElements": [...],
            "detectionTime": "2020-10-04T17:35:48Z"
      • Sample 'Alerting Detection artifact' which gets created from the received response:

            "cef": {
              "alertState": "Alerting",
              "createdTime": "2020-10-04T20:11:35.159233Z",
              "detectionId": "de_f3769bfc-7cfc-43c7-bca2-5e9b413c63c2",
              "detectionTime": "2020-10-04T17:35:48Z",
              "events": [{"..."}],
              "ruleId": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c",
              "ruleName": "ms_office_to_suspicious_url",
              "ruleType": "MULTI_EVENT",
              "uri": "...",
              "versionId": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c@v_1601246241_474367000"
    • Not-alerting Detection Artifact

      This artifact will be created when ingestion run mode is either 'All', 'All Detections' or 'Not-alerting Detections'. This artifact will be ingested into the separate container named 'Alerting Detections <creation_timestamp>'.

      • Sample response of the ListDetections endpoint which is used to fetch the Alerting Detections data:
            "type": "RULE_DETECTION",
            "detection": [
                "ruleName": "ms_office_to_suspicious_url",
                "urlBackToProduct": "...",
                "uri": ["..."],
                "ruleId": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c",
                "ruleVersion": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c@v_1601246241_474367000",
                "alertState": "NOT_ALERTING",
                "ruleType": "MULTI_EVENT",
                "detectionFields": [
                    "key": "hostname",
                    "value": "betty-decaro-pc"
            "createdTime": "2020-10-30T17:59:07.388755Z",
            "id": "de_5f498fa7-9db2-4f16-58d1-fe2025c7b457",
            "timeWindow": {
              "startTime": "2020-10-30T16:07:48Z",
              "endTime": "2020-10-30T16:08:48Z"
            "collectionElements": [...],
            "detectionTime": "2020-10-30T16:08:48Z"
      • Sample 'Not-alerting Detection artifact' which gets created from the received response:
            "cef": {
              "alertState": "Not Alerting",
              "createdTime": "2020-10-30T17:59:07.388755Z",
              "detectionId": "de_5f498fa7-9db2-4f16-58d1-fe2025c7b457",
              "detectionTime": "2020-10-30T16:08:48Z",
              "events": [{"..."}],
              "ruleId": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c",
              "ruleName": "ms_office_to_suspicious_url",
              "ruleType": "MULTI_EVENT",
              "uri": "...",
              "versionId": "ru_c25c2673-6551-4156-bf96-e883225feb6c@v_1601246241_474367000"

Error code caveats

  • Handling for HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) Error

    The Chronicle API enforces limits on the volume of requests that can be made by anyone against the Chronicle platform. If the user reaches or exceeds the query limit, the Chronicle API server returns HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) to the caller. Hence, while executing the actions of the Chronicle Phantom integration, there were situations where the actions failed due to the above-mentioned API error. To handle this scenario, we have implemented the below-mentioned logic.

    • Scenarios when the user may encounter this error
      • This error can be encountered when the user wants to fetch a large number of data and the Chronicle instance also has a large volume of data for the provided parameters. The actions for which this error can be encountered are as follows:
        • List Events
        • List Rules
        • List Detections
      • For all the other actions, if the user runs multiple actions, simultaneously, then this error can be encountered.
    • Mitigation Strategy
      • The action will execute as per the normal action flow.
      • If the Chronicle APIs return HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error, then, the retry API calls workflow will be executed. The retry workflow is governed by the 2 asset configuration parameters named "Retry Wait Period(in seconds)" and "Number Of Retries". The explanation of both the parameters is provided below.
        • Number of Retries: The value of this parameter defines the number of attempts for which the action will keep on retrying if the Chronicle API continuously returns the HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error. If the error gets eliminated before the number of retries gets exhausted, then, the action execution will continue along its workflow with the next set of API calls and if the error is still persistent and all the number of retries are exhausted, then, the action will fail with the latest error message being displayed.
        • Retry Wait Period (in seconds): The value of this parameter defines the waiting period in seconds for which to hold the current execution of the action on receiving the HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error and then, retry the same API call after the waiting period is exhausted. This ensures that the integration provides a mechanism of attempting to overcome the HTTP 429 (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) error. If the error persists, then the user should retry the action by providing a greater value to this parameter.
  • The HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

    The 500 Internal Server Error is a general HTTP status code which means that something on the server has gone wrong, but the server couldn't be more precise about the exact issue. There are certain cases where this error may occur with this Chronicle Phantom Integration which are listed below. There are possibilities to get this error in any other invalid scenarios.

    • Action - List Assets
      • When the destination IP address is not valid but it has a valid IP format.
    • Action - List Events
      • When the asset IP address is not valid but it has a valid IP format.
      • When an incorrect product ID is given for the asset.

Configuration variables

This table lists the configuration variables required to operate Chronicle. These variables are specified when configuring a Chronicle asset in Splunk SOAR.

base_url required string A Base URL
scopes required string Chronicle API Scope (JSON formatted list)
key_json required password Contents Of Service Account JSON File
wait_timeout_period optional numeric Retry Wait Period (in seconds)
no_of_retries optional numeric Number Of Retries
malicious_category optional string Malicious Categories for Reputation (JSON formatted list)
malicious_severity optional string Malicious Severity for Reputation (JSON formatted list)
malicious_str_confidence_score optional string Malicious Str Confidence Score for Reputation (JSON formatted list)
malicious_int_confidence_score optional string Malicious Int Score Range for Reputation (Use this format 'min_score,max_score')
suspicious_category optional string Suspicious Categories for Reputation (JSON formatted list)
suspicious_severity optional string Suspicious Severity for Reputation (JSON formatted list)
suspicious_str_confidence_score optional string Suspicious Str Confidence Score for Reputation (JSON formatted list)
suspicious_int_confidence_score optional string Suspicious Int Confidence Score Range for Reputation (Use this format 'min_score,max_score')
run_mode optional string Ingestion Run Mode for ON POLL
backdate_time optional string Backdate Start Time in minutes (for scheduled polling)
rule_ids optional string Comma-separated Rule ID(s) (with or without versionId) for fetching the detections
fetch_live_rules optional boolean Fetch all live rules created in the Detection Engine
run_automation optional boolean Flag to Trigger Active Playbooks upon Completion of the Ingestion Action
alerts_severity optional string Alert Severity to Ingest Alerts (JSON formatted list) (If not given ingest all the alerts)
start_time_scheduled_poll optional string Start Time for Scheduled/Interval POLL (Use this format: '<d/h/m/s>' or 'start_time')
time_range_poll_now optional string Time Range for POLL NOW (Use this format: 'start_time, end_time' or '<d/h/m/s>' or 'start_time')
max_results_scheduled_poll optional numeric Max Results for Scheduled/Interval POLL (Page Size)
max_results_poll_now optional numeric Max Results for POLL NOW (Page Size)
max_artifacts optional numeric Max Allowed Artifacts in a Single Container

Supported Actions

test connectivity - Validate the asset configuration for connectivity using supplied configuration
list ioc details - Return any threat intelligence associated with the specified artifact
list iocs - List all of the IoCs discovered within the enterprise within the specified time
list assets - List all of the assets that accessed the specified artifact within the specified time
list events - List all of the events discovered within the enterprise on a particular device within the specified time
domain reputation - Derive the reputation of the specified domain artifact (The reputation can be either of 'Malicious', 'Suspicious', and 'Unknown')
ip reputation - Derive the reputation of the specified destination IP address artifact (The reputation can be either of 'Malicious', 'Suspicious', and 'Unknown')
list alerts - List all of the security alerts tracked within the enterprise on particular assets and|or users for the specified time
list rules - List the latest versions of the rules created in the Detection Engine within the enterprise
list detections - List all the detections for the specific versions of the given Rule ID(s)
on poll - Action handler for the on poll ingest functionality

action: 'test connectivity'

Validate the asset configuration for connectivity using supplied configuration

Type: test
Read only: True

Action Parameters

No parameters are required for this action

Action Output

No Output

action: 'list ioc details'

Return any threat intelligence associated with the specified artifact

Type: investigate
Read only: True

Action Parameters

artifact_indicator required Specify the artifact indicator string
value required Specify the artifact indicator value string ip domain

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.artifact_indicator string Domain Name Destination IP Address
action_result.parameter.value string ip domain*.sources.*.addresses.*.domain string domain*.sources.*.addresses.*.ipAddress string ip*.sources.*.addresses.*.port numeric 80*.sources.*.category string Drop site for logs or stolen credentials*.sources.*.confidenceScore.strRawConfidenceScore string 24 High*.sources.*.firstActiveTime string 2018-12-26T00:00:00Z*.sources.*.lastActiveTime string 2019-12-04T00:00:00Z*.sources.*.rawSeverity string Medium*.sources.*.sourceUrl string url*.uri string url
action_result.summary.total_sources numeric 2
action_result.message string Total sources: 2
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'list iocs'

List all of the IoCs discovered within the enterprise within the specified time

Type: investigate
Read only: True

The action will fetch the list of all of the IoCs discovered within the enterprise within the specified time. If the user receives 'moreDataAvailable' as a true value in the action output datapaths, there might still be more IoCs within the user's Chronicle account. The user can narrow the time range and run the action again to ensure visibility into all possible IoCs. If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days. If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.

Action Parameters

time_range optional Specify the time range of the search (Use this format <d/h/m/s> where d=Days, h=Hours, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time range
start_time optional Specify the start time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
limit optional Specify the maximum number of IoCs results to return. You can specify between 1 and 10,000. (Default is 10,000) numeric

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.limit numeric 10000
action_result.parameter.start_time string gc time 2018-12-26T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.time_range string gc time range 10d*.done boolean True False*.response.@type string*.response.matches.*.artifact.domainName string domain*.response.matches.*.firstSeenTime string gc time 2018-10-03T01:26:38Z*.response.matches.*.iocIngestTime string gc time 2020-06-29T00:00:00Z*.response.matches.*.lastSeenTime string gc time 2020-07-06T09:30:29Z*.response.matches.*.sources.*.category string Drop site for logs or stolen credentials*.response.matches.*.sources.*.confidenceScore.intRawConfidenceScore numeric 0*.response.matches.*.sources.*.confidenceScore.normalizedConfidenceScore string Medium*.response.matches.*.sources.*.rawSeverity string Medium*.response.matches.*.sources.*.source string ET Intelligence Rep List*.response.matches.*.uri string url*.response.moreDataAvailable boolean True False
action_result.summary.total_iocs numeric 32
action_result.message string Total IoCs: 32
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'list assets'

List all of the assets that accessed the specified artifact within the specified time

Type: investigate
Read only: True

If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days. If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.

Action Parameters

artifact_indicator required Specify the artifact indicator string
value required Specify the artifact indicator value string ip domain md5 sha1 sha256
time_range optional Specify the time range of the search (Use this format <d/h/m/s> where d=Days, h=Hours, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time range
start_time optional Specify the start time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
end_time optional Specify the end time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
limit optional Specify the maximum number of assets to return. You can specify between 1 and 10,000. (Default is 10,000) numeric

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.artifact_indicator string Domain Name
action_result.parameter.end_time string gc time 2020-07-06T06:19:46Z
action_result.parameter.limit numeric 10000
action_result.parameter.start_time string gc time 2020-07-01T06:19:46Z
action_result.parameter.time_range string gc time range 3d
action_result.parameter.value string ip domain md5 sha1 sha256*.assets.*.asset.assetIpAddress string ip*.assets.*.asset.hostname string host name user-hostname*.assets.*.firstSeenArtifactInfo.artifactIndicator.domainName string domain*.assets.*.firstSeenArtifactInfo.seenTime string gc time 2018-10-18T01:40:32Z*.assets.*.lastSeenArtifactInfo.artifactIndicator.domainName string domain*.assets.*.lastSeenArtifactInfo.seenTime string gc time 2020-07-06T06:19:46Z*.uri string url
action_result.summary.total_assets numeric 100
action_result.message string Total assets: 100
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'list events'

List all of the events discovered within the enterprise on a particular device within the specified time

Type: investigate
Read only: True

If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days. If the [Reference Time] action parameter is not given, the action will consider start time as reference time. And if the value is given for it, the value will be validated and used in the search request. If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.

Action Parameters

asset_indicator required Specify the asset indicator string
value required Specify the asset indicator value string gc mac gc product id host name ip
time_range optional Specify the time range of the search (Use this format <d/h/m/s> where d=Days, h=Hours, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time range
start_time optional Specify the start time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
end_time optional Specify the end time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
reference_time optional Specify the time for the asset you are investigating (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
limit optional Specify the maximum number of events results to return (Default is 10,000) numeric

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.asset_indicator string Hostname
action_result.parameter.end_time string gc time 2019-11-02T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.limit numeric 3000
action_result.parameter.reference_time string gc time 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.start_time string gc time 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.time_range string gc time range 24h
action_result.parameter.value string gc mac gc product id host name ip franklin-guzman-laptop*.events.*.metadata.ingestedTimestamp string 2021-11-02T08:47:42.040912Z*.events.*.metadata.collectedTimestamp string gc time 2019-11-02T00:00:00Z*.events.*.metadata.eventTimestamp string gc time 2019-11-01T23:57:46Z*.events.*.metadata.eventType string NETWORK_DNS*.events.*.metadata.productName string ExtraHop*.events.*.network.applicationProtocol string DNS*.events.*.network.dns.answers.*.data string ip*.events.*.network.dns.answers.*.name string*.events.*.network.dns.answers.*.ttl numeric 11111*.events.*.network.dns.answers.*.type numeric 1*.events.*.network.dns.questions.*.name string*.events.*.network.dns.questions.*.type numeric 1*.events.*.network.dns.response boolean True False*.events.*.network.http.responseCode numeric 200*.events.*.principal.hostname string host name franklin-guzman-laptop*.events.*.principal.ip string ip*.events.*.principal.mac string gc mac ae:7d:81:1f:79:a0*.events.*.target.ip string ip*.eventsSummary.*.count numeric 3000*.eventsSummary.*.eventType string NETWORK_DNS*.uri string
action_result.summary.total_events numeric 3000
action_result.message string Total events: 3000
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'domain reputation'

Derive the reputation of the specified domain artifact (The reputation can be either of 'Malicious', 'Suspicious', and 'Unknown')

Type: investigate
Read only: True

Action Parameters

domain_name required Specify a domain name string domain

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.domain_name string domain*.reputation string Malicious*.sources.*.addresses.*.domain string domain*.sources.*.addresses.*.port numeric 80*.sources.*.category string Malware Command and Control Server*.sources.*.confidenceScore.strRawConfidenceScore string 22*.sources.*.firstActiveTime string gc time 2020-03-07T00:00:00Z*.sources.*.lastActiveTime string gc time 2020-03-07T00:00:00Z*.sources.*.rawSeverity string High*.sources.*.sourceUrl string url*.uri string url
action_result.summary.reputation string Malicious
action_result.message string Reputation: Malicious
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'ip reputation'

Derive the reputation of the specified destination IP address artifact (The reputation can be either of 'Malicious', 'Suspicious', and 'Unknown')

Type: investigate
Read only: True

Action Parameters

destination_ip_address required Specify a destination IP address string ip

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.destination_ip_address string ip*.reputation string Suspicious*.sources.*.addresses.*.domain string domain*.sources.*.addresses.*.ipAddress string ip*.sources.*.addresses.*.port numeric 80*.sources.*.category string Drop site for logs or stolen credentials*.sources.*.confidenceScore.strRawConfidenceScore string 24*.sources.*.firstActiveTime string gc time 2018-12-26T00:00:00Z*.sources.*.lastActiveTime string gc time 2019-12-04T00:00:00Z*.sources.*.rawSeverity string Medium*.sources.*.sourceUrl string url*.uri string url
action_result.summary.reputation string Suspicious
action_result.message string Reputation: Suspicious
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'list alerts'

List all of the security alerts tracked within the enterprise on particular assets and|or users for the specified time

Type: investigate
Read only: True

The user can specify the [Alert Type] to fetch. If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days. If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.

Action Parameters

time_range optional Specify the time range of the search (Use this format <d/h/m/s> where d=Days, h=Hours, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time range
start_time optional Specify the start time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
end_time optional Specify the end time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
limit optional Specify the maximum number of results to return. You can specify between 1 and 100,000. (Default is 10,000) numeric
alert_type optional Specify the type of alerts to fetch string

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.alert_type string Asset Alerts User Alerts All
action_result.parameter.end_time string gc time 2019-11-10T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.limit numeric 10000
action_result.parameter.start_time string gc time 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.time_range string gc time range 30d*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.name string Suspicious download by Office Application*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.rawLog string SnVuIDIyIDE0OjU5OjU3IDEwLjAuMzAuNzMgam9fYzdmY2E5ODItNGFkOC00MzkyLTliMTktYTM2ODQ5MmY1ZDE0IGJldHR5LWRlY2Fyby1wYyBIaWdoIFN1c3BpY2lvdXMgZG93bmxvYWQgYnkgT2ZmaWNlIEFwcGxpY2F0aW9u*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.severity string High*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.sourceProduct string Rule Generated Alert [jo_c7fca982-4ad8-4392-9b19-a368492f5d14]*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.timestamp string gc time 2020-06-22T14:59:57Z*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.about.*.hostname string betty-decaro-pc*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.collectedTimestamp string 2019-02-12T23:26:52.569Z*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.eventTimestamp string 2020-12-01T20:48:43Z*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.eventType string NETWORK_HTTP*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.ingestedTimestamp string 2020-12-04T15:53:57.066889Z*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.productEventType string THREAT - vulnerability*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.productLogId string 9100631352310467889*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.productName string Example product*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.vendorName string Example vendor*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string HTTP*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string GET*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string Unknown*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* numeric 200*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string Unknown*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string TCP*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string 926318*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string 3112*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.principal.port numeric 55250*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.principal.user.userid string [email protected]*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.description string Allowed*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.ruleName string QA-RULE-57*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.severity string HIGH*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.severityDetails string Medium*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.summary string Internet Services : Malicious URL*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* numeric 80*.alerts.*.alertInfos.* string*.alerts.*.alertInfos.*.uri string url*.alerts.*.alertSummary.*.count numeric 3*.alerts.*.alertSummary.*.name string Suspicious download by Office Application*.alerts.*.alertSummary.*.occurrences string 2020-06-29T16:00:01Z*.alerts.*.asset.assetIpAddress string ip*.alerts.*.asset.hostname string host name betty-decaro-pc*.alerts_assets_association.*.affected_assets.assetIpAddress string ip*.alerts_assets_association.*.affected_assets.hostname string testuser-pc*.alerts_assets_association.*.alert_name string Suspicious download by Office Application*.alerts_assets_association.*.asset_count numeric 1*.alerts_users_association.* string email [email protected]*.alerts_users_association.*.affected_users.username string gc username test_user*.alerts_users_association.*.alert_name string Unspecified*.alerts_users_association.*.user_count numeric 3*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.name string Unspecified*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.rawLog string 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*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.sourceProduct string Example product*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.timestamp string 2020-09-07T19:46:43Z*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.eventTimestamp string 2020-09-07T19:46:43Z*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.eventType string EMAIL_TRANSACTION*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.ingestedTimestamp string 2020-09-10T01:59:40.639434Z*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.productEventType string SupervisoryReviewOLAudit*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.productName string Example product*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.metadata.vendorName string Example vendor*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.* string [email protected]*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.principal.user.userid string california*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.confidence string HIGH_CONFIDENCE*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.confidenceDetails string 78*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.severity string HIGH*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.*.udmEvent.securityResult.*.summary string Threat Model Positive Score:78*.userAlerts.*.alertInfos.* string Example application*.userAlerts.* string email [email protected]*.userAlerts.* string [email protected]*.userAlerts.*.user.username string gc username testuser*.userAlerts.*.userAlertSummary.*.count numeric 1*.userAlerts.*.userAlertSummary.*.name string Unspecified*.userAlerts.*.userAlertSummary.*.occurrences string 2020-09-07T19:46:44Z
action_result.summary.total_alerts numeric 728
action_result.summary.total_asset_alerts numeric 153
action_result.summary.total_assets_with_alerts numeric 7
action_result.summary.total_user_alerts numeric 4
action_result.summary.total_users_with_alerts numeric 3
action_result.message string Total assets with alerts: 7, Total alerts: 728
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'list rules'

List the latest versions of the rules created in the Detection Engine within the enterprise

Type: investigate
Read only: True

If the user doesn't provide any value in the [Limit] action parameter, then the action will fetch 1000 rules (or less, if there are lesser rules created in the Detection Engine within the enterprise).

Action Parameters

limit optional Specify the number of rules to return (Default is 1000) numeric

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.limit numeric 1000*.rules.*.alertingEnabled boolean True*.rules.*.compilationError string generic::invalid_argument: validating rule: invalid regex pattern: */../vpns/*: error parsing regexp: missing argument to repetition operator: \* line: 10 column: 36-49*.rules.*.compilationState string SUCCEEDED*.rules.*.liveRuleEnabled boolean True*.rules.* string Test Author*.rules.*.metadata.category string Initial Access/Phishing*.rules.*.metadata.created string 2021-01-25*.rules.*.metadata.description string Detects known malicious service installs that only appear in cases of lateral movement, credential dumping and other suspicious activity License:*.rules.*.metadata.logsource string windows*.rules.*.metadata.product string windows*.rules.*.metadata.reference string*.rules.*.metadata.severity string Medium*.rules.*.metadata.technique string T1566*.rules.*.metadata.updated string 2020-01-20*.rules.*.metadata.version string 0.01*.rules.*.metadata.yara_version string YL2.0*.rules.*.ruleId string gc rule id ru_6996bc7a-3cbd-46c6-ad6d-2cec6f46744e*.rules.*.ruleName string malicious_service_installations*.rules.*.ruleText string rule malicious_service_installations { meta: author = ]"Test Author" description = "Detects known malicious service installs that only appear in cases of lateral movement, credential dumping and other suspicious activity License:" reference = "[]" version = "0.01" created = "2021-01-25" logsource = "windows" events: ($selection.metadata.product_log_id = "7045" and (($ = "WCESERVICE" or $ = "WCE SERVICE") or $ = "\\PAExec" or $ = "winexesvc.exe" or $ = "\\DumpSvc.exe" or $ = "mssecsvc2.0" or $ = " net user " or ($ = "pwdump" or $ = "gsecdump" or $ = "cachedump"))) condition: $selection }*.rules.*.versionCreateTime string 2021-01-28T12:34:50.901151Z*.rules.*.versionId string gc rule id ru_6996bc7a-3cbd-46c6-ad6d-2cec6f46744e@v_1611837290_901151000
action_result.summary.total_rules numeric 45
action_result.message string Total rules: 45
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'list detections'

List all the detections for the specific versions of the given Rule ID(s)

Type: investigate
Read only: True

The comma-separated [Rule ID(s)] can be provided with or without versionId appended to each Rule ID. If the user doesn't provide any of the time-related action parameters, the action will perform a search for the last three days. If the user provides [Time Range] and other time-related action parameters, the priority will be given to the [Time Range] action parameter and the search will be performed according to its given value.

Action Parameters

rule_ids required Comma-separated Rule ID(s) (with or without versionId) string gc rule id
alert_state optional Alert State to filter the detections string
time_range optional Specify the time range of the search (Use this format <d/h/m/s> where d=Days, h=Hours, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time range
start_time optional Specify the start time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
end_time optional Specify the end time of the search (Use this format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ where y=Year, M=Month, d=Day, H=Hour, m=Minutes, s=Seconds) string gc time
limit optional Specify the maximum number of detections to return (Default is 10,000) numeric

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.alert_state string ALERTING NOT_ALERTING ALL
action_result.parameter.end_time string gc time 2019-11-10T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.limit numeric 10000
action_result.parameter.rule_ids string gc rule id ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f,ru_746bd6d6-6b84-4007-b74c-ec90c7306a71 ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f@v_1602631093_146879000 ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f@v_1602631093_146879000,ru_746bd6d6-6b84-4007-b74c-ec90c7306a71
action_result.parameter.start_time string gc time 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z
action_result.parameter.time_range string gc time range 3d 24h 60m 3600s*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.label string event*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.*.event.metadata.eventTimestamp string 2020-11-11T18:21:56.234Z*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.*.event.metadata.eventType string NETWORK_DNS*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.*.event.metadata.ingestedTimestamp string 2020-11-11T18:28:20.520884Z*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.*.event.metadata.productName string ExtraHop*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string DNS*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.**.data string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.**.name string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.**.ttl numeric 11111*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.**.type numeric 1*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.**.name string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.**.type numeric 1*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* boolean True*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.*.event.principal.hostname string test-user-laptop*.detections.*.createdTime string 2020-11-11T20:46:02.016034Z*.detections.*.detection.*.alertState string ALERTING NOT_ALERTING*.detections.*.detection.*.detectionFields.*.key string client_ip*.detections.*.detection.*.detectionFields.*.value string*.detections.*.detection.*.ruleId string gc rule id ru_746bd6d6-6b84-4007-b74c-ec90c7306a71*.detections.*.detection.*.ruleName string dns_events_on_timeline*.detections.*.detection.*.ruleType string MULTI_EVENT*.detections.*.detection.*.ruleVersion string gc rule id ru_746bd6d6-6b84-4007-b74c-ec90c7306a71@v_1604081489_593503000*.detections.*.detection.*.urlBackToProduct string*.detections.*.detectionTime string 2020-11-11T18:48:00Z*.detections.*.id string de_0088100f-b8d8-f29c-4766-b05de66c68e8*.detections.*.timeWindow.endTime string 2020-11-11T18:48:00Z*.detections.*.timeWindow.startTime string 2020-11-11T17:48:00Z*.detections.*.type string RULE_DETECTION*.detections_summary.*.detections_count numeric 2*.detections_summary.*.rule_id string gc rule id ru_746bd6d6-6b84-4007-b74c-ec90c7306a71*.invalid_rule_ids.*.rule_id string abcd*.rule_ids_with_partial_detections.*.rule_id string ru_746bd6d6-6b84-4007-b74c-ec90c7306a71*.detections.*.detection.*.ruleLabels.*.key string author*.detections.*.detection.*.ruleLabels.*.value string rule1*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string dhcp_server*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string ACK*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string 0d:60:ff:08:2c:ea*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string BOOTREPLY*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* string*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.* numeric 14410*.detections.*.collectionElements.*.references.*.event.principal.asset.hostname string
action_result.summary.total_detections numeric 5
action_result.message string Total detections: 5
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'on poll'

Action handler for the on poll ingest functionality

Type: ingest
Read only: True

The action will ingest all of the 3rd party security alerts tracked within the enterprise and domain IoCs matches discovered within the enterprise as per the selected ingestion run mode.

Action Parameters

start_time optional Parameter ignored in this app numeric
end_time optional Parameter ignored in this app numeric
container_count optional Parameter ignored in this app numeric
artifact_count optional Parameter ignored in this app numeric

Action Output

No Output

Auto-generated Splunk SOAR Connector documentation.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.