You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
Property | Value |
Endpoint | /api/expression/evaluate |
Method | POST |
Content type | application/json |
Body | EvaluateExpressionRequest |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | EvaluateExpressionResponse |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | ErrorResponse |
Property | Value |
Endpoint | /api/ticket/issue |
Method | POST |
Content type | application/json |
Body | IssueTicketRequest |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | IssueTicketResponse |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | ErrorResponse |
Property | Value |
Endpoint | /api/ticket/redeem |
Method | POST |
Content type | application/json |
Body | RedeemTicketRequest |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | RedeemTicketResponse |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | ErrorResponse |
Property | Value |
Endpoint | /api/ticket/validate-redeemed |
Method | POST |
Content type | application/json |
Body | ValidateRedeemedTicketRequest |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | ValidateRedeemedTicketResponse |
Property | Value |
Content type | application/json |
Body | ErrorResponse |
A die roll result.
"sides": <sides:Number!>,
"value": <value:Number!>
Property | Description |
sides | The count of sides the die possesses. |
value | The value of the die roll. |
A response to a service request in which an error occurred.
"error": {
"message": <errorMessage:String!>
Property | Description |
errorMessage | A message describing the error, which is suitable for display to the end user. |
A request sent to the evaluate-expression
"expression": {
"text": <expressionText:String!>
Property | Description |
expressionText | The expression to be evaluated. |
A response received from the evaluate-expression
"dieRollResults": <dieRollResults:DieRollResult[]!>,
"expression": {
"canonicalText": <expressionCanonicalText:String!>,
"text": <expressionText:String!>,
"expressionResult": {
"text": <expressionResultText:String!>,
"value": <expressionResultValue:Number!>
"randomNumberGenerator": <randomNumberGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator!>
Property | Description |
dieRollResults | An array of DieRollResult s. There will be one DieRollResult for each die rolled in the expression. |
expressionCanonicalText | The canonical text of the expression specified in the request. The canonical text is created by the server by parsing the expression and then re-formatting it. |
expressionText | The expression text as specified in the request. |
expressionResultText | The expression result text. This text contains the results of all intermediate subexpressions, e.g. die rolls. |
expressionResultValue | The numerical value of evaluating the expression. |
randomNumberGenerator | A RandomNumberGenerator object that describes the RNG that was used to generate any random values during expression evaluation (e.g. when rolling dice). |
A request sent to the issue-ticket
"description": <description:String!>,
"evaluateExpressionRequestBody": <evaluateExpressionRequestBody:EvaluateExpressionRequest!>
Property | Description |
description | Describes the purpose of the ticket (e.g. John's attack roll). |
evaluateExpressionRequestBody | An EvaluateExpressionRequest object that describes the expression to evaluate when the ticket is redeemed. |
A response received from the issue-ticket
"ticket": {
"content": {
"description": <description:String!>,
"evaluateExpressionRequestBody": <evaluateExpressionRequestBody:EvaluateExpressionRequest!>,
"id": <id:String!>,
"redeemUrl": <redeemUrl:String!>
"signature": <signature:Signature!>
Property | Description |
description | The ticket description specified in the request. |
evaluateExpressionRequestBody | The EvaluateExpressionRequest object specified in the request. |
id | The ticket identifier. |
redeemUrl | The URL at which the ticket must be redeemed. |
signature | A Signature that can be used to confirm the validity of the ticket. |
A description of a random number generator.
"name": <name:String!>
Property | Description |
name | The random number generator name. The only supported value in production is uniform , which indicates a uniform pseudo-random number generator. Thus, this object will actually be an instance of UniformRandomNumberGenerator . |
A request sent to the redeem-ticket
service. This object is identical to the IssueTicketResponse
object. The response body received from the issue-ticket
service is intended to be sent unmodified as the request body to the redeem-ticket
A response received from the redeem-ticket
"redeemedTicket": {
"content": {
"description": <description:String!>,
"evaluateExpressionResponseBody": <evaluateExpressionResponseBody:EvaluateExpressionResponse!>,
"id": <id:String!>,
"validateUrl": <redeemUrl:String!>
"signature": <signature:Signature!>
Property | Description |
description | The ticket description specified by the requester. |
evaluateExpressionResponseBody | The EvaluateExpressionResponse object that contains the result of evaluating the expression specified in the ticket. |
id | The ticket identifier. |
validateUrl | The URL at which the redeemed ticket must be validated. |
signature | A Signature that can be used to confirm the validity of the redeemed ticket. |
A detached JSON web signature that can be used to validate sibling content. See the security module for details on the structure of a detached JSON web signature, including how to validate the signature.
A description of a uniform random number generator.
"name": "uniform",
"options": <options:UniformRandomNumberGeneratorOptions=>
Property | Description |
name | This property will always have the value uniform . |
options | A UniformRandomNumberGeneratorOptions object that specifies how to configure the RNG. If not specified, a default set of options are used. |
A set of options used to configure a uniform random number generator.
"seed": <seed:Number=|Number[]=>
Property | Description |
seed | The seed used to initialize the RNG. Can be either a number or an array of numbers. If not specified, a default seed is used. |
A request sent to the validate-redeemed-ticket
service. This object is identical to the RedeemTicketResponse
object. The response body received from the redeem-ticket
service is intended to be sent unmodified as the request body to the validate-redeemed-ticket
A response received from the validate-redeemed-ticket
Certain content in an API response may be signed by DSJS to ensure the integrity of the data. For example, to reassure a game master that a die roll has not been modified by a player after it was evaluated by DSJS. Users of DSJS can verify the integrity of the signed content by validating the appropriate signature using the DSJS public key.
The DSJS public keys are provided below in PKCS#8 PEM-encoded format. To ensure the DSJS public key you possess has not been tampered with, you can calculate its fingerprint and compare it to one of the published fingerprints below (ensure you are viewing this page via HTTPS).
Public key |
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAx9fDJmxiSzEctbimp+ML SB0mBE42ioGsebyclDgovgkMTqcsgPqa2qq/FToxCYODU6YTN0KbJCQvV3qW2Zp6 2Y2ju0vmdEyC0TDFMAJEdri5GfO111vt3In8XB0yq9q9mPWmRziMgvqpJYnJyRH8 NIorn1VvloPX0ELSEhbeae5HTGWVpxF8NLU9Epu2NQsLKLrj3PTW6dcJ00jALsjY 6AQzaS1bfoB44FbP0vMQcQ41TETAjBZpKr7gi3qC4hSF+E/XKhjicrKtJSGECLO/ 0+urhSf7ku5Htio2wT/MlPGxRR1bK2Eoyl9/20N+HQP0BeZh1G8PoS/Y8KyNulrX EwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----Download |
Fingerprint (OpenSSH) | SHA256:KfbqJJFPw+AhpFQZrtaa2cnS27pzQ+VfBowzquB+BK4 |
Fingerprint (OpenSSL) | 6cff1bf490f0b84cbbd5e1c26990d933746fd4c8318adc037a5584e752032d4e |
Public key |
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA1mGErgb4Vyp6e2263m7g IhbDUjlqrpv+sM24SAVrkPb1uw66F4qfWzQfmZTnd0mvaet5KZTT9BWYXnNhJTDQ don/KFrcUqA6bO2bOJdiMPZ62c+CB8EgLMI5gaSnU4FT9C6onsGndIq5dp7+pZMJ PPx6jQN3w6+WlFxNovDc6G+pje+hIFlgDtwt386uZO75Acg/fQB4qiGFFZ51Z+ip 4+tVkCxD8DKVW2c5ny3wta+GvReMfqH8Imn7x+psUKeYc3736D/fpXd9JN98Y+F9 wxZmhANFu5bQqbdxldIviN833mC8f/qXuID1vbTAcX+t6hcXeR2UYEjHz6TMK8vx zQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----Download |
Fingerprint (OpenSSH) | SHA256:fXOnLHdpLSTThpnPD+RABj7rdKQAbpt87l4iucAkfos |
Fingerprint (OpenSSL) | 6e580163ae9d7b39667358dda152c9e6fc91dd2ae922d8221c13f46ae6cea407 |
Instructions for calculating the public key fingerprint are given below (the examples assume you have saved the public key in a file named public-key.pem).
Tool | Command |
OpenSSH | ssh-keygen -if public-key.pem -m pkcs8 | ssh-keygen -lf - |
OpenSSL | openssl rsa -pubin -in public-key.pem -outform DER | sha256sum |