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Releases: starpeace-project/starpeace-server-multiverse-nodejs

v0.1.5: Upgrading dependencies, fixing bookmark API

25 Mar 17:21
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Various security and dependency upgrades, as well as fixing bookmarks
API logic

v0.1.4: Adding Research support, platform fixes

27 Feb 04:56
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Adding basic research support, including handling client events and
inclusion in simulation game loop. Also various fixes to platform with
more testing and scale

v0.1.3: API and platform updates from UI testing

05 Feb 19:23
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Round of updates to various API's and platform logic, after starting to
test logic more deeply with UI client

v0.1.2: Converting to typescript, adding client sockets

28 Jan 23:09
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Converted to typescript logic and updated platform with more testing, and
added client socket communicatin for more real-time game updates

v0.1.1: adding search, rankings, and mail API's

19 Dec 02:36
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adding API's for tycoon, corporation, and town searching, API's for
rankings metadata and content, and API's to retrieve and manage mail

also adding more platform for simulation engine and event management