4-6 compelling images about the course HERE
- Section 1 - Introduction
- Section 2 - Language Basics (I)
- Section 3 - Language Basics (II)
- Section 4 - Note CLI app
- Section 5 - Interfaces
- Section 6 - Exploring
- Section 7 - Notes CLI app improvements
- Section 8 - Errors
- Section 9 - Refactor Notes CLI app
- Section 10 - Testing
- Section 11 - Testing Notes CLI app
- Section 12 - Expenses REST API
- Section 13 - Test Expenses REST API
- Section 14 - Expenses REST API Auth
- Section 15 - Expenses REST API Session
- Section 16 - Package management
- Section 17 - Concurrency
- Section 18 - Real Time Chat app
- Section 19 - Platform Specific Software
- Section 20 - Debugging
- Section 21 - Deploying Go apps
- Section 22 - Go best practices
- Farewell & Resources
For more info on the course check out the Curriculum
- Medium
- Twitter - @steevehook
- Twitter - @GopherTuts
- Facebook - Steve Hook
- Facebook - GopherTuts
- GitHub - steevehook
- GitHub - GopherTuts
Happy hacking gophers 🚀🚀🚀