Python bot hosted on Heroku that deletes old tweets of mine. Runs each day at 4am.
Install Tweepy and APScheduler with pip
Create an app in the Twitter developer portal and note the provided keys. You'll need these later on
Clone this repository and navigate to the root with the Heroku CLI
Log in to the Heroku CLI by calling
heroku login
Initialize the Heroku app by calling
heroku create your-app-name
To set the remote repository, call
heroku git:remote -a your-app-name
In, set the date and time you want the worker to run
In, set the twitter_user variable to your Twitter account username
Using the keys from step 4, go to the Heroku Dashboard and select settings. Reveal the Config Vars and input each of the keys
In the Heroku Dashboard Overview tab, make sure to configure your Dynos so the worker and clock are active
You can scale the clock using the Heroku CLI with
heroku ps:scale clock=1