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Course Project: Fullstack e-commerce application for fictional tour company. Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Pug

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Natours is an e-commerce website application built for a fictional company as a portfolio piece and is a demonstrable example of fullstack development knowledge for consideration by future employers.



It is dynamically populated through an API from a remote database I created and allows a user to view information for the tours offered by the company, create an updatable account, purchase a tour, and view their itineraries.


The API has additional features built in for administrative purposes used during development and will be implemented in more depth at a later time.


Please see the table of contents below for more detailed information about the application and thank you for checking out this project!

Programmed by: Adam Straub

Product owner and materials supplied by: Jonas Schmedtmann


Table of Contents

I. Use Instructions

II. Tech Stack Description

III. File Layout

IV. Future Implementation Plans


I. Use Instructions

Upon the application loading, a user may click on a tour card to view more detailed information about a tour. If a user would like to book a tour, they will either log into their account or create an account if they do not currently have one.

Then the user will then be allowed to click a book tour button that will then direct them to our checkout endpoint and complete the stripe checkout form. They will then be directed back to the main page.

If a user creates an account they have the ability to view and update their information through an icon link created at the upper right of the page. From the landing page of their account they can also view their trips purchased.

If you believe these instructions could use more clarification please feel free to reach out and I will look into a more thorough explanation in order to help prevent any confusion [email protected].

Table of Contents


II. Tech Stack Description

Tech Component Use
node.js Server side scripting and web server creation.
express.js API construction.
mongoose.js MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
mongodb atlas Hosted remote database.
pug Server side rendering for user interface.
stripe Payment service.
sendinblue Used to exchange transactional emails with customers.
heroku Hosts our production ready application.
express mongo sanitize Aids in preventing mongo injection queries.
express rate limit Limits repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints.
babel polyfill Backwards browser compatibility
axios Promise based HTTP client for Node.js.
bcrypt.js Hashed and salted password encryption.
compression Middleware used to compress response bodies.
cookie parser Parse HTTP request cookies. Used as part of dynamic logging during development.
cors Cross Origin Resource Sharing middleware.
dotenv Used in securing environment variables before deployment to Heroku.
helmet HTTP header customization .
hpp Protects against HTTP parameter pollution.
jsonwebtoken Allows customization of jwt usage.
morgan Request logging utilized in development.
terser Allows for multiple input files, used in uploading multiple images as part of creating a tour object.
multer Adds a body object and a file or files object to the request object.
sharp Image processing for Node.js
validator Validation for mongodb document fields.
xss-clean User request sanitizer.

Table of Contents


III. File Layout

Folder / Class / File Description
Folder:   controllers Contains controllers pertaining to authorization, bookings, error handling, database requests, reviews, tours, users, and page views.
Folder:   dev-data Contains starter files for development (images, database content, view templates) as well as scripts created for importing data from file to our remote database.
Folder:   models Contains object models for bookings, reviews, tours, and users.
Folder:   public Contains bundled javascript files, images and css available outside of the application. Also contains html files referenced during creation of pug files.
Folder:   routes Contains files defining routes and access authorization to those routes pertaining to bookings, reviews, tours, users, and page views.
Folder:   utils Contains helper files pertaining to API features, e-mail functions, application errors.
Folder:   views Contains files written with pug that provide our user interface.

Additional files for spooling up a web server, package management, environment configurations, and middleware management.

Table of Contents


IV. Future Implementation Plans

Future development will revolve around connecting more of the functionality of our API into the user experience such as an admin being able to use the GUI to create a new tour, guides being able to see who has booked one of their tours nad contact information for those persons, customers ability to leave a review once their trip has concluded and more. Lots to do still! ^_^

Table of Contents


Course Project: Fullstack e-commerce application for fictional tour company. Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Pug







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