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Refresh expired access tokens
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Adds an additional flow to the existing middleware to refresh expired
tokens. The implementation handles multiple active grants. Expired
grants that failed to refresh are removed.

The refresh workflow is unconditionally activated. Since a token refresh
may occur for any request, access tokens are now always added to the
response's `:session`. This may break code which previously relied on the
`:session` only being set during the initial grant workflow. I do not
think this can be avoided.

If a refresh occurs, the tokens in `(:session request)` are left as-is,
the updated access tokens are accessibly via the existing
`:oauth2/access-token` key. This allows downstream handlers to observe
that a token refresh occurred.

There is a potential bug, where concurrent requests with expired tokens
may race. For example, consider a page containing a `css` and a `js`
resource. If a user's access token was to expire exactly as the
`index.html` finishes loading, their browser may concurrently fetch both
the `css` and `js` resources, triggering two concurrent token refresh
attempts with the same token, one of which may fail. I do not see a way to
address this without introducing considerable complexity.

I have added a timeout of 60 seconds to the refresh http request, which
means a slow oauth backend will cause users to become logged out. I
think this is more informative for users than hanging forever.

Fixes weavejester#40
  • Loading branch information
Lukas Studer committed Jan 10, 2025
1 parent 551475e commit 1a76e62
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Showing 2 changed files with 227 additions and 22 deletions.
144 changes: 128 additions & 16 deletions src/ring/middleware/oauth2.clj
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Expand Up @@ -114,26 +114,29 @@

(defn- access-token-http-options
[{:keys [access-token-uri client-id client-secret basic-auth?]
:or {basic-auth? false} :as profile}
:or {basic-auth? false}}
(let [opts {:method :post
:url access-token-uri
:accept :json
:as :json
:form-params (request-params profile request)}]
:form-params form-params}]
(if basic-auth?
(add-header-credentials opts client-id client-secret)
(add-form-credentials opts client-id client-secret))))

(defn- get-access-token
([profile request]
(-> (http/request (access-token-http-options profile request))
(-> (access-token-http-options profile (request-params profile request))
([profile request respond raise]
(http/request (-> (access-token-http-options profile request)
(assoc :async? true))
(comp respond format-access-token)
(-> (access-token-http-options profile
(request-params profile request))
(assoc :async? true))
(comp respond format-access-token)

(defn state-mismatch-handler
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,33 +191,142 @@
(respond (redirect-response profile session token)))

(defn- assoc-access-tokens [request]
(if-let [tokens (-> request :session ::access-tokens)]
(defn- get-expired
"Returns expired profile keys and refresh tokens in `access-tokens`."
(let [now (new Date)]
(for [[profile-key {:keys [expires refresh-token]}] access-tokens
:when (and expires refresh-token (.before expires now))]
{:profile-key profile-key :refresh-token refresh-token})))

(defn- update-tokens
"If `maybe-grant` is nil, removes `profile-key` from `access-token; otherwise
merges `profile-key` with `maybe-grant`."
[access-tokens [profile-key maybe-grant]]
(if maybe-grant
;; `update ... merge` to properly handle case where authorization server
;; does not update the refresh token after use and we should re-use the
;; existing refresh token
(update access-tokens profile-key merge maybe-grant)
(dissoc access-tokens profile-key)))

(def socket-timeout 60000)

(defn- refresh-one-token
([profile refresh-token]
(-> (access-token-http-options
{:grant_type "refresh_token" :refresh_token refresh-token})
(assoc :socket-timeout socket-timeout)
([profile refresh-token respond raise]
(-> (access-token-http-options
{:grant_type "refresh_token"
:refresh_token refresh-token})
(assoc :async? true
:socket-timeout socket-timeout)
(http/request (comp respond format-access-token) raise))))

(defn- valid-token? [token]
(and token (string? token) (not (str/blank? token))))

(defn- refresh-all-tokens
"Refreshes all expired tokens, yielding an updated map of tokens"
([profiles access-tokens]
(let [refresh-results
(for [{:keys [profile-key refresh-token]} (get-expired access-tokens)
:let [profile (profile-key profiles)]
:when (and profile (valid-token? refresh-token))]
(try (refresh-one-token profile refresh-token)
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo _
(reduce update-tokens access-tokens refresh-results)))
([profiles access-tokens respond]
;; strategy: launch all requests concurrently, keeping track of completed
;; requests in `results`. When all requests have finished, respond.
(let [expired (get-expired access-tokens)
total (count expired)
results (atom {}) ;; map from profile-key to result
respond-when-done! #(when (= (count @results) total)
(respond (reduce update-tokens access-tokens @results)))]
(if (zero? total)
(respond access-tokens)
(doseq [{:keys [profile-key refresh-token]} expired
:let [profile (profile-key profiles)]
:when (and profile (valid-token? refresh-token))]
(refresh-one-token profile refresh-token
(fn [refresh-result]
(swap! results assoc profile-key refresh-result)
(fn [_]
(swap! results assoc profile-key nil)

(defn- assoc-access-tokens-in-request [request tokens]
(if tokens
(assoc request :oauth2/access-tokens tokens)

(defn- assoc-access-tokens-in-response
"If any tokens are present, adds to them the `:session` key of `response`."
[response tokens]
(if tokens
(assoc-in response [:session ::access-tokens] tokens)

(defn- parse-redirect-url [{:keys [redirect-uri]}]
(.getPath ( redirect-uri)))

(defn- valid-profile? [{:keys [client-id client-secret]}]
(and (some? client-id) (some? client-secret)))

(defn wrap-oauth2 [handler profiles]
(defn wrap-oauth2
"Middleware that handles OAuth2 authentication flows.
* `handler`: The downstream ring handler
* `profiles`: A map of profiles
Each request URI is matched against the profiles to determine the appropriate
OAuth2 flow handler. If no match is found, the request is passed to the
downstream handler with existing access tokens added to the request under the
`:oauth2/access-tokens` key.
Expired tokens are refreshed using their refresh-token if possible. If refresh
fails, the access token is removed."
[handler profiles]
{:pre [(every? valid-profile? (vals profiles))]}
(let [profiles (for [[k v] profiles] (assoc v :id k))
launches (into {} (map (juxt :launch-uri identity)) profiles)
redirects (into {} (map (juxt parse-redirect-url identity)) profiles)]
(let [id-profiles (for [[k v] profiles] (assoc v :id k))
launches (into {} (map (juxt :launch-uri identity)) id-profiles)
redirects (into {} (map (juxt parse-redirect-url identity)) id-profiles)]
([{:keys [uri] :as request}]
(if-let [profile (launches uri)]
((make-launch-handler profile) request)
(if-let [profile (redirects uri)]
((:redirect-handler profile (make-redirect-handler profile)) request)
(handler (assoc-access-tokens request)))))
(let [access-tokens (get-in request [:session ::access-tokens])
refreshed-tokens (refresh-all-tokens profiles access-tokens)]
(-> request
(assoc-access-tokens-in-request refreshed-tokens)
(assoc-access-tokens-in-response refreshed-tokens))))))
([{:keys [uri] :as request} respond raise]
(if-let [profile (launches uri)]
((make-launch-handler profile) request respond raise)
(if-let [profile (redirects uri)]
((:redirect-handler profile (make-redirect-handler profile))
request respond raise)
(handler (assoc-access-tokens request) respond raise)))))))
(let [access-tokens (get-in request [:session ::access-tokens])
respond (fn [refreshed-tokens]
request refreshed-tokens)
(comp respond
% refreshed-tokens))
(refresh-all-tokens profiles access-tokens respond))))))))
105 changes: 99 additions & 6 deletions test/ring/middleware/oauth2_test.clj
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Expand Up @@ -109,8 +109,9 @@
b-ms (.getTime b)]
(< (- a-ms 1000) b-ms (+ a-ms 1000))))

(defn- seconds-from-now-to-date [secs]
(-> (Instant/now) (.plusSeconds secs) (Date/from)))
(defn- seconds-from-now-to-date
([now secs] (-> now (.plusSeconds secs) (Date/from)))
([secs] (seconds-from-now-to-date (Instant/now) secs)))

(deftest test-redirect-uri
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +204,10 @@

(deftest test-access-tokens-key
(let [tokens {:test {:token "defdef", :expires 3600}}]
(is (= {:status 200, :headers {}, :body tokens}
(is (= {:status 200,
:headers {},
:body tokens,
:session {::oauth2/access-tokens tokens}}
(-> (mock/request :get "/")
(assoc :session {::oauth2/access-tokens tokens})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,10 +380,11 @@

(deftest test-handler-passthrough
(let [tokens {:test "tttkkkk"}
session {::oauth2/access-tokens tokens}
request (-> (mock/request :get "/example")
(assoc :session {::oauth2/access-tokens tokens}))]
(assoc :session session))]
(testing "sync handler"
(is (= {:status 200, :headers {}, :body tokens}
(is (= {:status 200, :headers {}, :body tokens :session session}
(test-handler request))))

(testing "async handler"
Expand All @@ -388,5 +393,93 @@
(test-handler request respond raise)
(is (= :empty
(deref raise 100 :empty)))
(is (= {:status 200, :headers {}, :body tokens}
(is (= {:status 200, :headers {}, :body tokens :session session}
(deref respond 100 :empty)))))))

(def refresh-token-response
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:body "{\"access_token\":\"newtoken\",\"expires_in\":3600,

(deftest test-token-refresh-success
(fn [req]
(let [params (codec/form-decode (slurp (:body req)))]
(is (= "refresh_token" (get params "grant_type")))
(is (= "oldrefresh" (get params "refresh_token")))

(let [now (Instant/now)
old-expires (seconds-from-now-to-date now -60)
new-expires (seconds-from-now-to-date now 3600)
new-token {:token "newtoken"
:refresh-token "newrefresh"
:extra-data {:foo "bar"}}
request (-> (mock/request :get "/")
(assoc :session
{:test {:token "oldtoken"
:refresh-token "oldrefresh"
:expires old-expires}}}))]
(testing "sync refresh"
(let [response (test-handler request)]
(is (= 200 (:status response)))
;; then handler has new token
(is (= new-token (dissoc (get-in response [:body :test]) :expires)))
(is (approx-eq new-expires (get-in response [:body :test :expires])))
;; and the user's session is updated
(is (= new-token (dissoc (get-in response [:session ::oauth2/access-tokens :test])
(testing "async refresh"
(let [respond (promise)
raise (promise)]
(test-handler request respond raise)
(is (= :empty (deref raise 100 :empty)))
(let [response (deref respond 100 :empty)]
;; then handler has new token
(is (not= response :empty))
(is (= new-token (dissoc (get-in response [:body :test]) :expires)))
;; user session is updated
(is (= new-token
(dissoc (get-in response [:session ::oauth2/access-tokens

(def refresh-token-error-response
{:headers {"content-type" "application/json"},
:status 400,
:body "{\"error\": \"invalid_grant\"}"})

(deftest test-token-refresh-failure
(constantly refresh-token-error-response)}

;; setup a session with two grants, where one grant is expired and which
;; will error on refresh
(let [profiles {:test-0 test-profile :test-1 test-profile}
handler (wrap-oauth2 token-handler profiles)
good-grant {:token "good-token"
:refresh-token "refresh-token"
:expires (seconds-from-now-to-date 3600)}
expired-grant {:token "expired-token"
:refresh-token "invalid"
:expires (seconds-from-now-to-date -60)}
request (-> (mock/request :get "/")
(assoc :session
{:test-0 expired-grant
:test-1 good-grant}}))]
(testing "sync handler"
(let [response (handler request)]
(is (= {:test-1 good-grant}
(:body response)))))
(testing "async refresh"
(let [respond (promise)
raise (promise)]
(handler request respond raise)
(is (= :empty (deref raise 100 :empty)))
(let [response (deref respond 100 :empty)]
(is (= {:test-1 good-grant} (:body response)))))))))

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